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Permission to play hurling with another club

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:49 pm
by theoneandonly
Hi folks, long time reader first time poster.

I have a bit of a dilemma and hope some of the very good posters on here can help/advise me. I'll be short and sweet and straight to the point.

I live in Club B the last 10 years, but played all my football with Club A. Club A have an agreement with Club C that anyone who wish to play hurling can play so with Club C.
Club B have a hurling team and a football team. I want to play football with Club A and hurling with Club B as Im literally a minute walk from Club B's pitch whilst I'm a 20minute drive to Club C's Ground.
Is it too late to do so or do I have to wait till next year?

Any help would be very much appreciated

Re: Permission to play hurling with another club

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:19 am
by Plain of the Herbs
Okay, I’m guessing this is an arrangement where if you play hurling with Ballinamere then you kick football with Durrow, or if you play hurling with Belmont then you kick football with Ferbane, etc. (I don’t want to know your club(s), I just want to understand the position). This is as you describe and is different to the ‘permission player’ scenario where, say, someone from Lusmagh can play football for Cloghan, of the Treacys from Cappincur play with Tullamore.

It is my understanding that if you play football with Club A, then you can’t play hurling with Club B, and you must play hurling with Club C. You are either one or the other. I’m guessing Club A is your native club. You say you are resident in Club B. So, for example, if you live in Tullamore and play football for Durrow you can’t hurl for Tullamore at the same time, even if you live on Arden Road beside the pitch.

Re: Permission to play hurling with another club

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:11 pm
by theoneandonly
Thanks for the reply POTH. I sent you a PM explaining the situation more clearly

Re: Permission to play hurling with another club

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:28 pm
by Deadandgone
If u live in club b are u not illegal to play with club a.

Re: Permission to play hurling with another club

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:27 am
by Plain of the Herbs
Not if he was originally a native of Club A, and Club A was his club of origin. Unless St Rynagh's was the club involved in which case the rules are made up as you go along.
Deadandgone wrote:If u live in club b are u not illegal to play with club a.

Re: Permission to play hurling with another club

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:20 am
by joe bloggs
Plain of the Herbs wrote:Not if he was originally a native of Club A, and Club A was his club of origin. Unless St Rynagh's was the club involved in which case the rules are made up as you go along.
Deadandgone wrote:If u live in club b are u not illegal to play with club a.
Bitterness will not get the johnsies out of intermediate

Re: Permission to play hurling with another club

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:24 pm
by Plain of the Herbs
I'm not bitter, Bloggs. I'm taking relegation on the chin and getting on with it. Just pointing out an apparent anomaly in the transfer system.