Wicklow 1-16 Offaly 1-11

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Wicklow 1-16 Offaly 1-11

Post by Hocker »

The Offaly team returns from Aughrim after an impressive performance only losing by 5 points to a legendary Wicklow side!! :oops: :oops:


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Post by black and red exile »

Brilliant Hocker, absolutley brilliant. Thats the first time I've laughed since last night.

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Post by black and red exile »

I suppose I should'nt of been surprised and we probably went to Aughrim expecting to come away with a narrow defeat in this Cooper cup quarter final, but the surrender we witnessed last night by a fairly strong Offaly team was absolutly disgusting. I don't have the stomach to do a player by player account, but thankfully Rynaghs Biffo has offered to half this pain by taking up this agony.
On a beautiful sunny evening on the Wicklow hills and quite a large local and vocal support, the 21 strong faithful support were very much out numbered as usual. After a very impressive start in which we led after about 22 minutes by 1.7 to 3 points, with the garden county 3 points coming from 3 Tommy Gill frees, it looked like a nice stroll in the park. The forwards were moving very well, Ciaran McManus scoring 1.1 and taking his goal with real composure blasting it to the keepers left hand side and giving him no chance. PJ Ward also kicked a couple of points, half back Shane Sullivan, corner forward James Coughlan, centre forward Neville Coughlan, and Niall McNamee with a point each. I am missing a point scorer in this sequence, maybe Rynaghs Biffo can accomadate. Our 7th point was scored by Niall which was probably a turning point in the game because with being put through with just the keeper to beat, he blasted the ball over the bar when really you would imagine a player of his talent would find it easier to hit the back of the net. Still there was little evidence of what was to come, but horror of horrors, a high Tommy Gill ball from about 30 yards out that was going over the bar hit the upright just above the crossbar on Pauric's left and dropped into the path of the incoming Tommy Walsh who palmed it into the net with our full back line standing looking at each other. After that it was freefall all the way and from being 7 points up after about 22 minutes, we went in at half time 2 points behind, 1.9 to 1.7, as Wicklow totally dominated the remainder of the half.
Myself and Rynaghs had a very uneasy feeling at half time and feared the worst, and of course our fears became a horrible reality. The Garden County tagged on 6 points in a row before our heroes got their first score of the second half with about 12 minutes to go, which meant we went about 38 minutes including 2 minutes of first half injury time without raising a flag.Far worse than that was, that apart from Ciaran McManus, Scott Brady, James Keane and Jason Kelly, when he came on as a second half sub, who all ran themselves into the ground for the cause, the rest of them when they look in the mirror this morning should hang their heads in shame. I don't think in all my years of watching Offaly teams have I ever felt so disgusted with a display devoid of passion, ideas and downright interest, and that includes the clap trap a few of us witnessed in Cusack park Ennis last year in the hurling qualifers. At least 10 of last night's rabble should seriously consider not putting on the tri-colour again with the exception of the 4 players mentioned in this report, although
I might exclude Niall McNamee from the terrible 10 seeing that every time he got the ball he was surrounded by at least 2 or 3 player who were on him like a mugging on Grafton street on a Saturday night.
Finally I think all we had was about 3 subs last night, and I was guessing that Pauric Hogan was injured seeing that he was not on for Niall Smith who never felt the weight of the ball all night, and it hurts me to say that seeing that Ive got Gracefield blood in me.
What a crap night, crap year, crap management, crap players and a crap County board who won't spend money to get a proper training programme going along with a decent coach who understands about tactics and motivating players. WE ARE AS BAD NOW AS THE MID NINETIES BEFORE TOMMY LYONS ARRIVED.

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Post by the bare biffo »

Look on the broght side............

We could all be from Carlow :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Post by Rynaghs Biffo »

Thank to Black n' Red Exile for the report on possibly one of the most miserable performances I have ever witnessed in all my years of travelling to Offaly O'Byrne Cup, League, Championship and now Tommy Murphy Cup games!!

Player by Player:

Padraig Kelly
Couldn't be faulted for the goal, lucky bounce from the post to the on running Tommy Walsh. Actually dealt well with a high ball (for a change). Kickouts seemed a bit aimless and never varied, pumping long balls on top of the larger Wicklow midfield. Very slow to spot any short frees.

James Keane
Very commited and and fought well even though he was playing playing his man for the majority of the game, Offalys best player in the full back line

Conor Evans
Bad game, very bad. Fumbled and lacked basic skills that are required in the middle of the summer. Was at least 6-7 yards away from his man and stayed that distance when Earls was on the ball. Looked slow and not up to it.

Nigel Grennan
Wasn't anywhere near the player he used to be last year. Gave away a lot of easy frees in the first half to keep in touch. Dropped the head a lot and gave up too easy.

Eoghan Byrne
He was bollocked after 10 minutes. Very slow to track back and cover and got easily caught out to many times. Never settled into the game. Scored a decent point tho.

Scott Brady

Showed a bit of leadership in the half back line. Could only do so much with the constant oncoming traffic from the midfield. Difficult to fault his performance

Shane Sullivan
Looked like a junior B player out there, dropping the head like a hoares knickers!! Didnt make a lot of runs or show for the ball. The one time he did move forward he scored a hand passed point when Offaly were on top in the first half. Stood off his man way too much. Poor game.

Alan McNamee
This man is our captain, he didn't show it. Was dominated in the midfield battle and had a defeated attitude. Never tried rising up the lads at all through the 70 minutes. Looked exhausted and burnt out. Wasn't up to the challenge.

Niall Smith
Not his fault he wasn't taken off, should of even seen on the sideline that he was been taken for a ride with the larger Wicklow midfield. Didn't play well at all and ran into a lot of trouble. Shocking.

John Reynolds
Never got into the game at all. Very slow to move and show for the game. Looked asleep, on one occasion, he never picked up on a short free and conceded a Wicklow point. Poor game, also.

Neville Coughlan
Was nowhere near himself, ran half as much as what he would of usually do, which is still a lot. He footballing skills werent up to scratch, passes were constantly not finding their men. Could be worse, could could be hell of a lot better!

Ciaran McManus
Offaly's only footballer out there last night. Showed his traditional heart and pride in the jersey which was lacked in the other lads. Took his goal very well and was very commited. The Wicklow half back was constantly niggling at him but Mac played the football. Only man of the front 8 that showed any desire, cant fault the man.

James Coughlin
Didn't show up. Very hasty and needs a few seconds to settle down on the ball. Rarely ran off the ball and should of capitalised on a poor Wicklow full back line

PJ Ward

Niall McNamee
Very lazy and took the wicklow backs for granted most of the time. Whenever he got on the ball, he was surrounded by 2-3 men, but he would still try to get by them, whereas there would be other Offaly men around. Not often I can say this, but Nialler wasn't great.

Subs (of what there was)

Jason Kelly
He wanted to play. Did a lot of running off the ball, but to no avail. Not bad.

William Mulhall
Didn't really impress

So thats it, another year over?

Such a disgracful performance and i was embarrassed to wear an Offaly jersey in Aughrim yesterday. Crap!

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Post by redser »

Useless shower of fuckers.

Most of them out buckled drunk the week before the game.

Rhode players dont care bout the county either.

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Post by Bord na Mona man »

The only surprise for me was that Offaly took the lead early on.
The rest was expected.
I'd hope for some drastic improvement next year.

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Post by Oskar »

Ah well, there you go. Offaly treated the game with the contempt many feel it deserved. Still doesn't look good though, losing to Wicklow.

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Post by arbarg »

well, we all expexted this anyway.
cant see there bein too much of an improvement next year either if we still have the same personnel involved. Last year is really looking like a fluke now.
Cant find any positives from this season at all.

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Post by black and red exile »

What was so hurtful to any of us that were there on Saturday evening was the utter lack of Interest, players standing 3 or 4 yards off their man every time and the pathetic half hearted attempts, [with the exception of a handful] of players going for fifty/fifty balls, and as for the body language of most of the players, It would make you want to vomit.

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Post by Oskar »

I can only assume this great Offaly football team thought the Tommy Murphy Cup was beneath them and couldn't be arsed playing ball. Or maybe they could see their summer holidays in sight.

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Post by the bare biffo »

Lads theres plenty of things to beat up the players on this year, but this fiasco is not one of them. Nobody wants to play in it, nobody wants to watch it and the media have no interest in it. What purpose does it serve ?

What purpose does it serve ?

Clare, Tipperary and Louth have won it. Look what it has done for them.

Forget about it and let Pat Roe, the players and the county board make sure they treat the league with more respect next year than they did this year.
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Post by TheManFromFerbane »

the bare biffo wrote:Lads theres plenty of things to beat up the players on this year, but this fiasco is not one of them. Nobody wants to play in it...
Everytime you are privaleged enough to don the county Jersey you should give it your all, whether its a challenge match, a league game or the All Ireland final.

Some of the players seem to have forgotten that and that is what is truely sad.
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Post by turk »

Hats off to Black and red exile and Rynaghs Biffo for heading down!

at least the lads that went to cork had no high hopes for the day!!

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Post by Muck Savage »

There was a lot of talk here last week about the competition being a waste so why do ye think the players should be all fired up for it? It'd be the same as a club player togging out for a local challange game, I don't think very many lads would be bursting down the door for that. Give the lads a break, they have put in long hours all winter and spring long so who'd blame them for wanting the season to be over. I'd be far more critical of the way they played in the game vs. Dublin than the one last weekend. Put it this way, if we think that they should have been fired up for it how come there wasn't any more than 30 supporters at the game, and a lot of them are probably family members!
I'm glad the season is over, lets start focusing on next year. Get a manager in early if Roe is to go and by September have the squad in a gym lifting heavy weights. Don't wait until December to sort out the manager position and then pull the lads in for a few laps and a kick around. The manager for next year needs to be able to go to some of the club games, see if there's someone missing and get a good trainig program in place for Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec. Have them meet once a week or once every two weeks to monitor progress but it's been clear that all the lads need hours in a gym.
I reckon if we gathered together a few lads on this board together we come up with a right management team, would be worth setting up a website for that!

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