Tipperary 2-17 - Offaly 2-13

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Tipperary 2-17 - Offaly 2-13

Post by Kevin »

Got back in time to catch the last 10 or so minutes on radio.

Sounded painful. Interested to hear what happened through the match.

Leaving the last score out of it. Did Murray's 110 yard free near the end really have the distance and just go wide (according to the commentators)?

Good to see we kept it close, but sounded as though we let this one get away.

Do or die against Cork. From the sound of it they are having theor way with Dublin at the moment.

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Bord na Mona man
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Post by Bord na Mona man »

An desperately disappointing loss for Offaly today. Never will we get a better chance to record a championship win over Tipperary. The worst Tipp side post '87 in terms of ability and also a tired team. Offaly can only blame themselves for losing this one. Wide after wide in the second when they could have pulled away and the concession of too many frees to a Tipp forward line that weren't brimming with inventiveness.

However, Offaly's effort, work rate and determination must be commended. The best example was Sean Ryan making his debut and putting a big performance. Brendan Murphy was industrious around midfield, Franks and Hernon battled furiously at the back and Kevin Brady also going well.

Also it was a big pity for Ger Oakley that he didn't get to put one over Tipp after what he has put up with during his career; the graffiti after the 2000 All Ireland and before that, the burning of the "good luck" banner. He had a superb first half, harassing everything that moved, risking life and limb for the ball. In the second half he found it tougher to deal with substitute John Carroll's more weighty presence.

David Kenny started well but perhaps conceded a couple of unnecessary frees. Offaly did improve when Kevin Brady went centre back and caught and cleared more ball.

Offaly's naivety in the concession of frees was disappointing. As astutely documented by POTH, Michael Haverty is the one referee who Offaly always get roasted by. He consistently penalises the dispossessing flick away of the sliotar, which is Offaly's hallmark. Unfortunately Offaly's inexperience showed by still conceding these sort of frees to help keep Tipp in touch in the second half. At times the Offaly backs fouled Tipp forwards who were running themselves into trouble.

Up front is where Offaly didn't make Tipp pay. The half forward line didn't prevent Tipp from winning clean catches under puckouts. Tipp's better catching gave them a big advantage, whereas any loose ball on the deck tended to be won by a more determined Offaly.

For the second year in a row Joe Bergin is having a quiet June and I wonder is he a player who is better suited to more Wintery conditions? He also made a silly error in getting a scoreable Offaly free cancelled out which lead straight to Tipp point late in the first half.

Gary Hanniffy was the best Offaly player for winning ball, though he had a mixed time of it distributing it. Brian Carroll rarely managed to escape the attention of the Tipp backs and wasn’t in good shooting form. Derek Molloy picked up and early yellow and was taken off with management probably concerned he was a little too wound up.

With Offaly down a point at the death, Shane Dooley was through on goal and had a weak shot stopped. To be fair he was right to try and go for goal, as a draw would still have seen Offaly squeezed out, with Cork unlikely to put their put their backslapping neighbours to the sword in the final round.

Only two Eoin Kelly points from play. Again he fails to fill his boots against Offaly. Would the same hurling sages who question DJ Carey's legacy because of how he has performed against certain counties, point out that Eoin Kelly has never had a decent scoring performance against Offaly from open play? :P

While Offaly missed a great chance of a quarter-final place, the outlook is a lot better than in previous years. The kind of heart and spirit shown by the team today was refreshing to watch. I hope the days of tame surrender are over. Cork will test their resolve next weekend and hopefully Offaly don’t let them run away with it.

While John McIntyre has been much (rightly or wrongly) criticised, his policy of looking towards fearless young tyros at the expense of jaded and demoralised older players has paid dividends. Players like Ryan, Hernon, Horan, Molloy, Verney and Kenny mightn’t have been flagged to the same degree as Bergin and Cleary as promising young ones, however, the fire and battling qualities they have brought are the shot in the arm Offaly has needed.

A little more height in the half forwards and craft in front of goal are what Offaly lack now. There is something solid to build on for next year. Better form from Joe Bergin, Rory Hanniffy and the return of Dylan Hayden would see the Offaly forward line improve.

There is the spine of a team there and the young players will gain more experience. I hope Division 2 next year doesn’t damage Offaly too much though.

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Post by Fido »

I agree with BnM's analysis there except for Gary's role as main ball-winner - for a lad of his height you much more often saw his marker coming away with the clean catch yesterday. Offaly did scrap for all the loose ball yesterday and showed great guts and will in that area, which was indeed good to see.
I'd also agree that this was the best opportunity we could have asked for to beat tipp. When we went ahead in the second half we needed a bit of craft and experience to close the game down, cut out the frees that were tipp's lifeline, and not take pot-shots at goal in what seemed like an awkward breeze, work the ball in closer for an easier chance or free. Hopefully a day like yesterday will go some way towards teaching this team the hard lessons of how to win a close game.
But the main thing should be that next time they play tipp, they should have no fear and should feel that they owe them one. Well done to the lads, it was tough on them to lose out but by Christ it's a step in the right direction.

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Post by Plain of the Herbs »

Yet again Offaly hurlers fail to close out a tight match that was there for the taking. That sums up Offaly’s fortunes at a blustery Thurles yesterday. ‘Thurles of the thrills’ lived up to its name yet again, but Offaly, to borrow a boxing parlance, jabbed away but with Tipperary leaning on the ropes lacked the sucker punch that would deliver the knockout blow.

When they look back at this game, Offaly will particularly rue all their many second half wides. Most were hit wide to the right hand side with a crosswind blowing from left to right. Some of the shots from long range just about hit the ball-stopper behind the goal, in particular Damien Murray’s long range free late with time almost up.

I understand the free count in the second half was 12 – 3 in Tipperary’s favour. Offaly may cry foul on this, but in general the free count in hurling is a reflection of possession held during the course of a game. Specifically, the team who are first to the ball and who gain possession will not foul. In this regard, Tipperary’s reading of the breaking ball was in a different league to Offaly’s, both in defence and attack. Tipperary’s half back line hovered up almost every breaking ball in the first half, particularly Eamon Corcoran, who dominated this sector. In the second moiety, they caught much more ball, with all three half backs dominant when contesting with Gary Hanniffy who was Offaly’s lone target for Brian Mullins’ deliveries.

This set up a platform for Tipperary’s attack. While most of their scores came from placed balls it was the hard work of their forwards in gaining possession that paid dividends. A factor also in the high free count was some poor tacking technique by the Offaly defence. When an attacker gains possession, the defender is allowed ‘stand his ground’ – it is up to the attacker to go around the defender. However, if the defender attempts to ‘wrap up’ a barging forward by putting his arms around him the pendulum swings and a free-in is likely. Tipperary attacked Offaly down the middle and drew the foul. Most of Eoin Kelly’s frees were from in front of goal, either around the edge of the ‘D’ (won by Kelly himself) or around the 45m line (where Ryan O’Dwyer won a number of frees off David Kenny. This is in contrast to Kilkenny who look to lay off the ball to a supporting runner and many of their scores are finished from the flanks of the attack. It’s difficult to argue with many of the frees awarded to Tipperary.

The second half free count of three in Offaly’s favour is testament to another trait of this Offaly team, the second half fadeout. Of those three, it’s easy recall two, the one resulting in the goal and the long range free sent wide late on when dropping in might have earned a free closer in – or a goal chance. Despite struggling to gain first phase possession, Offaly did much better on the breaking ball in this half, particularly in the middle third of the field where Oakley, Ryan and Murphy worked hard.

Brian Mullins was sound in goal barring the mix up which led to the late goal. His puck out was spot on, even though the targets failed to collect. The full back line was probably Offaly’s best line where Conor Hernon continues to thrive, Paul Cleary hurled well going forward and David Franks limited Eoin Kelly’s influence. Kevin Brady had a good match and shored up the centre when moved there on Kenny’s withdrawal. Barry Teehan also hurled well when introduced. Again Ger Oakley gave everything he had. At times they seemed to misread the dropping puckout, though this can be attributed to the swirling wind, which was difficult to read throughout.

As noted above, Sean Ryan and Brendan Murphy beavered away to good effect, particularly on the ground and carried the ball well when on the attack. Woodlock and McGrath were quiet enough throughout.

Again, the Offaly forward line failed to operate as a unit. Derek Molloy was ineffectual and will need to control his temper is he is to progress at this level. Eamon Corcoran led him on a merry dance around Semple Stadium while he was on the field. Two yellow cards against either Cork or Dublin would give him a fortnight’s suspension and rule him out of the Leinster under 21 decider. His withdrawal meant Offaly had only the one target for their puckout, being Gary Hanniffy and whether Gary took up station on the left, centre or right, Corcoran, O’Mahony and Moloney were dominant. Rory was moved around quite a bit but couldn’t get into the game to the required degree. None of the rest of the forwards made an impact as Joseph Bergin struggles with ‘second season syndrome’. Perhaps over the winter some scribe will pen a consideration of the causes of this ailment. The contribution from play of the Coolderry pair of Carroll and Murphy is poor. Shane Dooley and Cathal Parlon should be in line for a call up next week.

It will be very difficult for Offaly to recover from the disappointment of this defeat with the long trip south with Cork looming ominously in the foreground. A bit like the trip to Ennis last year in the immediate aftermath of the crushing defeat by Limerick A number of changes in personnel will be required in the forward line, which may freshen things up the way Sean Ryan’s industriousness did for the midfield yesterday. Qualification from the group is almost impossible now unless, unless Dublin, with their fitness and running, can capitalise in Tipperary’s weariness which, despite winning yesterday, will not go away. In that scenario it could be Tipperary's late goal which will prove vital given the six point swing it brings on the goal difference.

Sport can be so cruel sometimes.

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Post by black and red exile »

Heartbreaking is the only word to describe the final result in Thurles yesterday. After a superb performance and in my opinion the best Offaly performance since our 2000 victory over Cork in Croke Park, but our best chance ever to beat Tipp in the championship went when we hit some dreadful second half wides and especially twice in the second half when we went five points up and again after the home side levelled with us we went two points up we really should have buried Tipp once and for all, but some of our misses were depressing and you could smell that the 25 time all Ireland winners were going to rob us with a late ambush.
Apart from our failure to punish Tipp when we had them on the ropes, as with the Kilkenny game, our half forward line just did'nt win enough ball and it was heartbreaking to see the Tipp half back line fielding balls high above our half forward line time and time again, even a big guy like Gary Hannify was cleaned out on four or five occasions and for a guy his size you would'nt expect this to happen.
Without boring everyone to death about why we lost I prefer to focus on the positives. We are at last competitive with the big boys again, and I believe that with more experience these young players like Bergin, Molloy, Shane Dooley, Conor Hernon, Paul Cleary, David Kenny and Alan Egan will come of age big time in the next year or two and compared to this time last year when we were a complete shambles surely everyone, when you really think about it, will look forward to next year with renewed hope, which makes it even more frustrating next spring when we will be stuck down in that horrible wasteland in division 2.
Finally with possibly one exception on this site, credit has got to be given to John McIntyre on his courage to give youth a chance and root out alot of the deadwood from last year. He took some criticism after he culled the players from last year's panel but after a decent enough League campaign[ with the exception of the Limerick match], our battling performance with KK for 50 minutes and yesterday's magnificent battle with Tipp, he is certainly leaving us in our bast shape in years.
My apologies on leaving out Sean Ryan in the above list of young players, yesterday he was fantastic, scoring 1.2 and his direct running and pace frightened the life out of Tipp.

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Post by Lone Shark »

I only caught this on the radio since I was stuck covering that rubbish on RTE for my employers, so I'm loathe to comment to any excessive degree, except to say that to lose another game in such a fashion is absolutely heartbreaking.

As a team, we definitely don't seem to be able to deliver when it's all on the line, or our forwards at least. 1-5 beats our usual second half tallies, but it's still not good enough.

A few random thoughts on the game and the aftermath....

(1) We've a tendency to collapse after games like that, but I really hope we stick it to Cork next Saturday. Tipperary were well flagged that this was a danger, whereas Cork will be a lot more complacent. Obviously a complacent John Gardiner or Ben O'Connor is still a lot more dangerous than many hyped up Tipp men, but even so is we get to the season having put in respectable if not winning performances against KK, Tipp and Cork and then close out in a professional fashion with a win over Dublin then it won't have been a good championship, but it will have been a lot better than several others recently and it will give us something to build on.

(2) Seán Ryan is fast on the road to becoming the most valuable person in Offaly GAA. The way he's going he'll be one of our best four or five footballers and hurlers at senior, never mind under 21. How long he can keep that up is another matter.

(3) Obviously there's a long way to go yet in the season, we could yet sneak into the knockouts or we could yet be relegated to the Christy Ring cup, but that said I have to say that right now there is a case for saying that John McIntyre, having put this mini revival in place, could be the best man to try and take us on from here. I know of at least one poster on this site who'll disagree with me (no prizes for guessing who :D ) and equally I'm the first to admit that I've long been a fan of McIntyre as a manager, but despite the fact that his three years are up, a couple more decent displays will certainly put the issue on the table. Twill be an interesting debate, that's for sure......

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Post by Plain of the Herbs »

Supposin’, supposin’?

Dublin do the impossible and turn Tipperary over in Parnell Park on Saturday while Cork justify favouritism against Offaly. The following week Dublin come to O’Connor Park seeking to win to qualify and eliminate Tipperary. Do Offaly go all out to win, keeping Dublin in third spot in the group or do they have one of those days they have every so often against ‘emerging’ counties with Dublin carrying off a famous win? :D :D

Just supposin’

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Post by Plain of the Herbs »

Regarding John McIntyre, I think the man himself has been the first to admit that it’s a results driven activity, this hurling. After three years and a number of disappointing results in key matches (Wexford and Limerick ’06, Tipperary ’07) I think its fair to say that after three years he’s brought this team as far as he can and it’s time for a new bainisteoir bringing a fresh voice and new ideas to the Offaly dressing room.

I heard his post match reaction on Newstalk last night and its clear his disappointment is on a par with that of John Meyler in Croke Park. However, his cries of “I can’t buy a break in this job” brings Napoleon’s desire for lucky generals to mind. Not that Offaly were that incredibly unlucky, mind. When you consider Tipperary’s half back line dominance and Offaly’s poor tackling technique and profligacy in front of goal a four point winning margin is, to me, a fair reflection of the game.

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Post by turk »

Yea it's time for Mac to move on, even if we beat dublin and cork and make the knockouts. His time is up

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Post by naasmanxrhode »

We need to win the u/21 badly. See the bookies have Dublin 4/7 and Offaly 5/4. I'LL have a biy of that 5/4 thank you.

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Offaly v Tipp

Post by Loughers »

I'm still sick over this. I actually left a pint behind me in the pub early on Saturday night to go home. Anyone who knows me, would know that this is unheard of. Have this team the balls and the ability to win the last two games or will they collapse in on themselves. I hope and think we will give Cork a right good rattle. As for the Offaly crowd in Thurles, absolutely pathetic. If there was 7.5 k there, there wasn't a thousand from Offaly. Even taking into account the minor football, it was a very poor show from the "Faithful". I met Bord na Mona Man and Black & Red Exile after. 3 shell shocked Offaly men.
Esto Fidelis

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Post by Lone Shark »

Plain of the Herbs wrote:Supposin’, supposin’?

Dublin do the impossible and turn Tipperary over in Parnell Park on Saturday while Cork justify favouritism against Offaly. The following week Dublin come to O’Connor Park seeking to win to qualify and eliminate Tipperary. Do Offaly go all out to win, keeping Dublin in third spot in the group or do they have one of those days they have every so often against ‘emerging’ counties with Dublin carrying off a famous win? :D :D

Just supposin’
I would say that if that happens that would motivate the team all the more. In that situation, a win over Dublin combined with a Cork win over Tipp could see Offaly back in the shakeup for a knockout position. I would say that in that environment they would put their best foot forward.

That said, it's a little bit harsh on the Dubs this season to say that our attitude will determine the result. (I know you didn't say it outright like that, but it would be how a visiting Dub would read it!!) I would honestly say that if this game was in Parnell Park (and it's not like three away games would be beyond the bounds of what our county board would fix up for us) then Dublin would be favourites. As it is, if I had to price it right now, Offaly would be about 4/7, but that could change if Cork beat us up a stick while Dublin give Tipp something to think about.

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Post by Lone Shark »

Plain of the Herbs wrote:Regarding John McIntyre, I think the man himself has been the first to admit that it’s a results driven activity, this hurling. After three years and a number of disappointing results in key matches (Wexford and Limerick ’06, Tipperary ’07) I think its fair to say that after three years he’s brought this team as far as he can and it’s time for a new bainisteoir bringing a fresh voice and new ideas to the Offaly dressing room.

I heard his post match reaction on Newstalk last night and its clear his disappointment is on a par with that of John Meyler in Croke Park. However, his cries of “I can’t buy a break in this job” brings Napoleon’s desire for lucky generals to mind. Not that Offaly were that incredibly unlucky, mind. When you consider Tipperary’s half back line dominance and Offaly’s poor tackling technique and profligacy in front of goal a four point winning margin is, to me, a fair reflection of the game.
I accept that three years is a reasonable chunk of time and that he certainly couldn't say he wasn't given a fair crack of the whip. However he came on to the scene when it was basically a train wreck (division 2 and the horrendous Kilkenny game being out of his hands), and while you couldn't say that it's been a good three years, it's hard to escape the notion that the graph is on the up. Young players tend to show a lot of loyalty and commitment to managers that gave them their break in the team, so a lot of this young team would possibly be well disposed to him, even if some of those in the fringes aren't. The continuity element is not to be forgotten either.

I'm not saying it's an open and shut case, but I'd hate to see us let a guy go who appears to be turning things around, particularly if there is no obvious successor lined up. With all due respect to the man I don't think giving Paddy Kirwan the wheel is really an improvement, and right now that looks the most likely scenario.

Interesting to note how a few Tipp supporters on Premierview reckon he'd be a better man for them than Babs. Leaving out the polarising nature of Michael Keating esquire, in the current climate it seems odd that a guy could be good enough for Tipp but not us.

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Post by black and red exile »

Talking to a source very close to the players, I was told the dressing room was like a morgue after the game and that the players were absolutly devastated. They knew they had blown a great chance of making the quarter finals and it will be so difficult to lift themselves for Cork on Saturday. To be honest lads If we were to win one of these away games it was going to be last week in Thurles. It hurts me as a passionate Offaly man to say this but I honestly believe we don't have a snowball's chance in hell of causing an upset on Saturday by the banks of the Lee.

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Post by Offalys Future »


Just watched the game and here are my views.
I am going to keep this short.

Offaly had plenty chances to win this game and serious questions need to be answered.

Firstly after 14 minutes Eoin Kelly had scored a point from play, won a free which he pointed, setup a direct score and shot wide once.
Then the two corner backs were switched. What this is telling me is that there was no plan in place to curb Eoin Kellys influence on the game.

Secondly the general consensus now is that we shot alot of wides and if we had put them over.
But unless you practice your shooting in training under pressure you will never get any better and the chances that were missed in the second half will be missed next weekend and the weekend after unless the above is practiced.

We have a big problem and that is that our goalkeeper is limited in how he can puck out the ball.
Last Saturday time after time the Tipperary half back line won directly the Offaly puckout, and if they didnt win it directly they won the break.
I'm nt disputing how good a shot stopper Brian Mullins is, but last weekend he hadnt one save to make, he made the blunder at the end. Would Offaly not be better off with Shane o' Connor in goals who has alot better puckout than Mullins and he can vary it in many ways?

Again i feel that our best forward is been treated like dirt and that is Joe Bergin.
He is been thrown around the forward line to accomodate other players. People seem to forget that he plays his best hurling at full forward, has huge potential and is still only 19. Last year he received an all-star nomination for his performances at full forward. Why dont they let him play there - not for 15mins but fr the full game?
In the first half last sat he caught a ball on the 21 that was unreal but the place was too crouded, if he was full forward it would have been a certain goal.

Paul Cleary
You have to be realistic here okay.
Nothing against Paul Cleary as a person but lads Offaly management are meant to be building a team to win. Can you see Paul Cleary on a winning Offaly side in Croke Park? - i cant.
He reminds me alot like Joe Brady, he will give it his all but he simply doesnt have it.
For over 35 minutes last saturday he was hurling corner back. While Barry Teehan was left on the sideline.
Lar Corbett scored 1-1 from play, won a free which was converted and hit 3 bad wides.
Now you can say he didnt score those 3 points, but it wasnt because of Cleary that he didnt score them, he had him skint.
Cleary won 1 ball that went into their corner in the second half - a great catch i might add. He also pulled down Eoin Kelly for the 21 that he goaled.

Rory Haniffy
Again he didnt hurl well in the forwards, and after David Kennys poor performance i think now is the time that he should be put at centre back and let Joe Bergin play full forward

These are just some of the points that should be adressed.
Oh Lone shark i am reading this correctly
" we could yet sneak into the knockouts or we could yet be relegated to the Christy Ring Cup, but that said i have to say that right now there is a cse for saying that John McIntyre, having put this mini revival in place, could be the best man to try and take us from here"

Are you kidding me? His appointment from the very start has been a complete joke. so your saying if we get relegated to the christy ring he should stay? - you have obviously have met the man and he knows you personally and you dont want to say anything bad about him, but you are on your own here i think.
He hasnt a clue how to train an Intercounty hurling team, if you go to the training sessions you would see that.
This crap about getting a break - you get what you deserve and he dont deserve anything.

And just in case people are forgetting there is now serious question marks surrounding lot of the players brought in this year.
Hernon, Kenny, Molloy, Dooley??
Sean Ryan has the potential but he needed to be hurling for the last 6 months and not wasting his time with the footballers.
Oh yes just so you know a half an hour before the throw in last saturday
all hell nearly broke loose in the Tipperary dressing when babs decided to drop 4 players. One Tipp player said after he never saw a dressing like it in all his life.
People getting excited because we put it up to a depleted Tipperary team.
Apart from Dublin and Laois he has never won another game in championship managing Offaly.

Last week i predicted that games like these are won and lost by excellence and yet again Eoin Kelly produced it. How Bord na mona man can make the comment that he did is beyond me.
Eoin Kelly Scored 1-12
1-10 - From Frees
0-02 - He was fouled for these frees which he pointed
1-00 - He was fouled for this free which he goaled

0-02 - From Play
0-01 - Directly setup score

David Farnks hurled well on Kelly, the last point he scored was an exceptional point and apart from henry shefflin no other hrler in the country would have been capable of scoring it.
The difference yet again between the teams was Eoin Kelly. You cant beat class.
" In The Presence Of Confidence Doubt Cannot Exist "

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