Offaly GAA - in Crisis

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by Bord na Mona man »

You'd wonder how the hell we ever managed to win anything, such are the levels of disorganisation.

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by kingscounty »

How do all the people feel now that never blamed the county board? Any time on here over the past number of years anyone said anything about the county board some responded by saying sure it's not county board fault their only volunteers, ' if it's so bad why don't you go on the board and give it a go' !! How in the name of god would you even get near it with the dominating way its run over there. Listen to Liam Hogan interview and go to the 39th minute, in the words of Liam Hogan himself " Tommy Byrne is a disaster " !!!!!! Not only as chairman but he was Secretary when the plan was first drawn up and it was left to gather dust. Telling Hogan that he can't buy fruit for the team from his own money, that the drop off in interest from clubs in the south for workshops when county board were involved was huge. I'm not saying that Hogans ideas were going to set the world on fire , but at least it seemed to have direction and structure that in 10 years time we might actually be competitive again. It's that bad now that we need someone to draw up a plan for us as to how we run a county board let alone our games development.

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by Lone Shark »

kingscounty wrote:How do all the people feel now that never blamed the county board? Any time on here over the past number of years anyone said anything about the county board some responded by saying sure it's not county board fault their only volunteers, ' if it's so bad why don't you go on the board and give it a go' !! How in the name of god would you even get near it with the dominating way its run over there. Listen to Liam Hogan interview and go to the 39th minute, in the words of Liam Hogan himself " Tommy Byrne is a disaster " !!!!!! Not only as chairman but he was Secretary when the plan was first drawn up and it was left to gather dust. Telling Hogan that he can't buy fruit for the team from his own money, that the drop off in interest from clubs in the south for workshops when county board were involved was huge. I'm not saying that Hogans ideas were going to set the world on fire , but at least it seemed to have direction and structure that in 10 years time we might actually be competitive again. It's that bad now that we need someone to draw up a plan for us as to how we run a county board let alone our games development.
Speaking as somebody who often gets accused of standing by the County Board through thick and thin, just to be clear, I don't think anyone is arguing that the CB don't have a huge amount to answer for. Liam Hogan is a man who put a huge amount of time, effort and energy into driving this project and he is stating quite clearly that he feels that they were actively obstructed at every turn. That of course is a huge issue, and one that I would be fascinated to hear, and report, on how the clubs react at tonight's meeting.

Except I can't, because it's held in camera, which I find very disappointing.

I personally believe that there should be the closest thing possible to a tribunal on all this, because otherwise there is simply no way that the ordinary club members will ever learn the truth about what actually happened here - and if we don't learn our history, we are doomed to repeat it.

However I am equally frustrated with this constant talk of how people expect the key people at the top table in the county board to step down with no evidence whatsoever that anyone would come forward to fill the roles instead. I'm not even saying that there is a danger that unproven, insufficiently skilled people would step forward - I'm saying that there is clear evidence to suggest that no-one at all would, and that we'd cease to function in no time. This idea that there are good people lurking in secret, waiting for a free pass to power, drives me potty. I have no idea who these people are, and yet everybody keeps talking as if there are countless folk ready and willing to step up.

Let's be clear here - there will never be a situation where an individual in this county will be politely asked to accept the role of chairperson, with complete free rein to run the show as they see fit. That's not how any democracy works, and certainly not in Offaly GAA, where the ultimate power lies with the clubs of the county. That the clubs have failed in their duty to wield that power correctly is something that should weigh on the conscience of everyone who pays their membership to any one of our 40-odd clubs, since my experience is that if you take an active role in your club and demonstrate that you're acting out of good conscience and willing to put in a bit of effort, it's not hard to get your views heard. People will respect you, and that will consider what you have to say.

On this board, and indeed all over Offaly if the texts and calls I've gotten are anything to go by, are people who are hugely upset by what's going on. And I don't blame them - so am I. However can anyone on here honestly say that they've even taken the very basic step of going to a club meeting, getting involved at that level, and then spoken out about what's going on with the Offaly county board and asked for their club to take a stand?

I'm not being facetious - I'm asking that question - have you, and how did it go? Or if not, what exactly did you do, other than complain?
Kevin Egan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by shannonbanks14 »

Liam Hogan take a bow someone who has stood up and be counted and said it loud and clear for co. board and all to hear, but as shark says unless club delegates back him its a waste. Board/Byrne will prob come back with a load of waffle to try and clear themselves and hang everyone else but they have lost all credit. For now anyway; well done Liam Hogan and all the good hurlin people on implementation committee.

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by Truesupporter »

This blame game HAS TO BE STOPPED Blame has to be shared by EVERYONE here:
1.The County Board Officers;
2. The Delegates to County Board meetings;
3. The clubs of County Offaly who ELECTED the current chairman by a good majority vote last December, (including many of the south Offaly clubs!);
4. The people who have not put themselves forward over the last number of years for election as County Board Officers.
The current chairman even said at County Convention that he had not done a good job the last time and asked for another chance, which some clubs willingly gave.

Liam Hogan's interview yesterday had many valid points but I got fed up with the number of times he referenced North Offaly and South Offaly and said about poisonous relationships ( See point 3 above). When that committee was originally set up it was said at a CB meeting, by a CB Officer that the best thing about it was that the people on it, under Diarmuid Healy's wing, were all from south Offaly, where they know about hurling. Again this attitude of a north/south divide is not relevant so before the county goes into civil war between the so-called North and South. It shouldn't matter where you are from in our small county, if you can hurl you should be valued.I would hate to see if we had a big county, we would have to accommodate East and West also!!!!!!
It was said over 5 years ago at a County Board meeting that if something was not done immediately to halt the decline in u-age structures we would be heading into Christy Ring territory by 2018 and the delegates were up in arms, with some people looking for heads on plates of the person that said it. Sadly we are now facing that scenario.

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by kingscounty »

Lone Shark wrote:
kingscounty wrote:How do all the people feel now that never blamed the county board? Any time on here over the past number of years anyone said anything about the county board some responded by saying sure it's not county board fault their only volunteers, ' if it's so bad why don't you go on the board and give it a go' !! How in the name of god would you even get near it with the dominating way its run over there. Listen to Liam Hogan interview and go to the 39th minute, in the words of Liam Hogan himself " Tommy Byrne is a disaster " !!!!!! Not only as chairman but he was Secretary when the plan was first drawn up and it was left to gather dust. Telling Hogan that he can't buy fruit for the team from his own money, that the drop off in interest from clubs in the south for workshops when county board were involved was huge. I'm not saying that Hogans ideas were going to set the world on fire , but at least it seemed to have direction and structure that in 10 years time we might actually be competitive again. It's that bad now that we need someone to draw up a plan for us as to how we run a county board let alone our games development.
Speaking as somebody who often gets accused of standing by the County Board through thick and thin, just to be clear, I don't think anyone is arguing that the CB don't have a huge amount to answer for. Liam Hogan is a man who put a huge amount of time, effort and energy into driving this project and he is stating quite clearly that he feels that they were actively obstructed at every turn. That of course is a huge issue, and one that I would be fascinated to hear, and report, on how the clubs react at tonight's meeting.

Except I can't, because it's held in camera, which I find very disappointing.

I personally believe that there should be the closest thing possible to a tribunal on all this, because otherwise there is simply no way that the ordinary club members will ever learn the truth about what actually happened here - and if we don't learn our history, we are doomed to repeat it.

However I am equally frustrated with this constant talk of how people expect the key people at the top table in the county board to step down with no evidence whatsoever that anyone would come forward to fill the roles instead. I'm not even saying that there is a danger that unproven, insufficiently skilled people would step forward - I'm saying that there is clear evidence to suggest that no-one at all would, and that we'd cease to function in no time. This idea that there are good people lurking in secret, waiting for a free pass to power, drives me potty. I have no idea who these people are, and yet everybody keeps talking as if there are countless folk ready and willing to step up.

Let's be clear here - there will never be a situation where an individual in this county will be politely asked to accept the role of chairperson, with complete free rein to run the show as they see fit. That's not how any democracy works, and certainly not in Offaly GAA, where the ultimate power lies with the clubs of the county. That the clubs have failed in their duty to wield that power correctly is something that should weigh on the conscience of everyone who pays their membership to any one of our 40-odd clubs, since my experience is that if you take an active role in your club and demonstrate that you're acting out of good conscience and willing to put in a bit of effort, it's not hard to get your views heard. People will respect you, and that will consider what you have to say.

On this board, and indeed all over Offaly if the texts and calls I've gotten are anything to go by, are people who are hugely upset by what's going on. And I don't blame them - so am I. However can anyone on here honestly say that they've even taken the very basic step of going to a club meeting, getting involved at that level, and then spoken out about what's going on with the Offaly county board and asked for their club to take a stand?

I'm not being facetious - I'm asking that question - have you, and how did it go? Or if not, what exactly did you do, other than complain?
I have been to many a club meeting and shared my views, never been to a county board meeting. There is nothing wrong with people complaining even if they were never at any meetings. The people of Offaly the supporters have every right to complain, the people who pay good money to watch the teams play even when the teams are not getting the basic supports from CB have every right to complain. We should have complained 10 years ago and the rot might have halted a small bit. There may not as you say be quality people waiting to fill the county board roles or there may I don't know, but the way the quality people on the hurling review committee were treated is an absolute shame on the county.

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by Plain of the Herbs »

With the greatest of respect – blame is not going to solve the crisis that is Offaly hurling. We need to move on from this craic of apportioning blame, equally or unequally, fairly or unfairly.

We need to find solutions.

Thing is, several people did move away from the blame game and sought solutions. Some years ago too.

A committee was put in place almost three years ago (not sure of the dates, and I would need to listen back to Liam Hogan’s interview to be sure). That committee, consisting of people from several spheres (business people, hurling people, Offaly people, people who worked in sports science, people who understood s&c, people who worked in youth affairs (teachers)). They produced a comprehensive report brim full of solutions. Everyone knows what happened that report.

Since then an Implementation Committee was put in place to, er, implement those solutions. We know what happened that too.

Thing is, if solutions were hard to come by we’d say something. But Offaly’s problem is that solutions have been blanked, and progress has been resisted. It is interesting to note from Implementation Committee minutes that fundraising suggestions have also been poo-pooed by on high.

Who is afraid of change? And why? The proposed solutions have been put on the table. We can’t be waiting for another committee to produce another report. There is no other show in town. The report needs to be implemented.

Finally, while people are going to hear what they want from Liam Hogan’s interview, I didn’t detect any north / south division.

Finally, finally, I want to compliment Will O’Callaghan for his professionalism in conducting the interview.
Truesupporter wrote:This blame game HAS TO BE STOPPED Blame has to be shared by EVERYONE here:
1.The County Board Officers;
2. The Delegates to County Board meetings;
3. The clubs of County Offaly who ELECTED the current chairman by a good majority vote last December, (including many of the south Offaly clubs!);
4. The people who have not put themselves forward over the last number of years for election as County Board Officers.
The current chairman even said at County Convention that he had not done a good job the last time and asked for another chance, which some clubs willingly gave.

Liam Hogan's interview yesterday had many valid points but I got fed up with the number of times he referenced North Offaly and South Offaly and said about poisonous relationships ( See point 3 above). When that committee was originally set up it was said at a CB meeting, by a CB Officer that the best thing about it was that the people on it, under Diarmuid Healy's wing, were all from south Offaly, where they know about hurling. Again this attitude of a north/south divide is not relevant so before the county goes into civil war between the so-called North and South. It shouldn't matter where you are from in our small county, if you can hurl you should be valued.I would hate to see if we had a big county, we would have to accommodate East and West also!!!!!!
It was said over 5 years ago at a County Board meeting that if something was not done immediately to halt the decline in u-age structures we would be heading into Christy Ring territory by 2018 and the delegates were up in arms, with some people looking for heads on plates of the person that said it. Sadly we are now facing that scenario.
Pat Donegan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

"Offaly's hurling is exact and abrasive: full of assurance on the ball, devoid of fumbling and slicing and sod-busting". Kevin Cashman RIP (September 1994).

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by kingscounty »

I would like to second that , Will O Callaghan was excellent I think he is a great reporter on all sports.

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by sam88885a »

Listen to the interview ,some mess ,its no wonder the County board were holding their meeting in camera .all these guys seem to settle scores in public including L Hogan . All claim to be the only people that care about Offaly hurling .
Someone needs to tell these guys stay quite unless they have something positive to say .
I know Hogan cares but i didnt like the way he spoke about G Maher N Gleeson and S Hand , These guys were part of managment teams that provided us with some hope during 2016 and Hogan seemed to want discredit them .
Hogan is a Garda and that can across everything was his way and how dare u question me .
Maybe im been totally unfair to L Hogan but the radio interview was not going to solve any disputes in my opinion ,it was settling scores.
We need hope not more disputes .

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by NewEra »

Any whisperings from the big meeting tonight?

Isn't there an infamous statement due out tomorrow also?

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by private joker »

Sam88885a, are you serious??? Stay quite unless you have something positive to say??? What kind of crap is that.? Liam Hogan said it out straight. He kept quite for best part of a year. Your county board are a joke. The acceptance of what's going from the club's in offaly is hard to fathom. Do ye even care?
And What he said about the guys who were with the development squads, G Maher etc, in any top tier county, Tipperary, Galway, Kk , Waterford, Cork, limerick, Dublin, when your asked to fill out a review and attend a debrief, you do as your asked or your out, regardless of what you may or may not have achieved on the field.
Time to wake up.

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by jimbob17 »

private joker wrote:Sam88885a, are you serious??? Stay quite unless you have something positive to say??? What kind of crap is that.? Liam Hogan said it out straight. He kept quite for best part of a year. Your county board are a joke. The acceptance of what's going from the club's in offaly is hard to fathom. Do ye even care?
And What he said about the guys who were with the development squads, G Maher etc, in any top tier county, Tipperary, Galway, Kk , Waterford, Cork, limerick, Dublin, when your asked to fill out a review and attend a debrief, you do as your asked or your out, regardless of what you may or may not have achieved on the field.
Time to wake up.
Guys don't be getting knickers in a twist. You are both right. Hogan was venting and rightly so about a lot of things. He hit nail on head on lot of things re county board full stop.

Let's remember though that we are all on same side here and everyone wants what is right. Just some go wrong way about it and I believe that lads that didn't need to be discredited for efforts were discredited. That doesn't need to be done in public!

I think that while some people who gave a lot and were badly treated needlessly so, were discredited - call it what you want, but that part was handed badly by hogan. It publicly ridicules the lads and does absolutely no favours to anyone. These are lads giving their best with a degree of success and are then Publicly ridiculed for an effort they made -lads who could give more to more teams in future. Potential huge resource. Wrong way to do that by hogan in my opinion and didn't need to go there.

Rest is bang on the money and from hearing what was going on for last few years, generally hits nail on the head.

Nobody owns offaly gaa. It belongs to every club member. If those have issue with what is going on (and most do), bring to discussion at club meeting and send a representative that is proactive, interested in best interests of everyone and not politically affiliated to represent your club going forward.

The current board are doing their best within their own limitations (which are obvious)! They may not have know how/ skill set of some on here but they are ones willing to try pull thing along (even within huge limitations and we've all heard and know the stories)

Only when a group of like minded, smart, energetic people take control, can any difference be made! One or two going in will be outvoted so clubs need to identify and push their own best representative to move things on or we are left with status quo.

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by shamlads »

Thank god for liam hogan,finally someone who aint afraid to call a spade a spade.and tell it like it is right from top table through to club level.A total clean out is exactly what is required if offaly are to get anywhere.What a farce of a set up that exists at the minute at the top.not just a disaster,a bloody disgrace.And from listening to interview,some ego seekers at grass root level also,never mind at the top.well after all the fiasco's over the past couple year at the hands of these top table cronies is allowed to continue and no heads roll,be it pushed out or step aside,we deserve nothing else.the ordinary people of offaly have alot to answer for too,for singing dumb and taking revelation after revelation of what has been going on behind the scenes and letting it slide.why should it take liam hogan standing out there on his own to call for a clean out?we as a united force should be standing with him and show them their attitude and disgraceful treatment of fellow offaly people wont be tolerated.But then maybe we are not as faithful as we like to think we are...

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by Looktothefuture »

shamlads you couldn't be more right
"we as a united force should be standing with him and show them their attitude and disgraceful treatment of fellow offaly people wont be tolerated.But then maybe we are not as faithful as we like to think we are" we were out numbered 2 if not 3 to 1 by Cavan supporters in the football qualifiers but you can't blame people for being frustrated when both codes are playing second fiddle to the agenda of individuals on the top table another cowardly action tonight having a meeting on How To worm their way out of this mess behind closed doors..

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Re: Offaly GAA - in Crisis

Post by club125 »

Our pain of our very public decline in front of the eyes of the GAA nation over the last number of years has been compounded by the very transparent bloodletting and infighting that has accompanied our sorrowful drift.

In a stronger united County the wagons would circle in times of crises and tough talks would take place inside the tent. Whilst I understand Hogan’s frustration, he has achieved an increased awareness of his groups work but again the public nature of the venting process has likely widened the rift.

In my view, there is nothing further to be gained by further public debate at this stage. There is also no need for a ‘clear out’. Yes there is an essential requirement for an injection of new impetuous at Management Committee level. People with the time, passion and a proven track record in a variety of areas to help implement a professional structure to the administration of Offaly GAA affairs. We as a small Dual GAA County cannot afford to lose any personnel. However, everyone involved must have (or be provided with) an awareness of their limitations. Democratically, major change can be affected that can transform the operation of our County so that our overall approach is player centred. There is no doubt that the task of administrating a County in the GAA has grown enormously in recent years but the re-structuring of an administration that consists of 17 sub-committees must be a priority and a new ‘player centred’ administration must prevail.

You could argue, the County Board is a larger operation of a Club. At Club level efforts are centred on preparing all of your teams to the best of your ability. In turn all fundraising is focussed to ensure that your teams have the best facilities and services available to them to allow them to compete. This basic principle must be replicated on a larger stage at County level.

I would welcome new skills and enthusiasm at the top table with a transparent and public review to gather opinions from as wide an audience as possible in order to convince the wider public that a new direction is underway. Everyone needs to stay involved in roles appropriate to their abilities, no doubt there are now very personal grievances between certain parties, but these must be set aside for the benefit of Offaly GAA. If the County can’t come first, then it’s time to step aside.

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