LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by esb_lad »

Hoping for a big score today. antrim by ar weakest team in competition

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by Over The Black Spot »

The sandwiches are packed, the tickets are in the glove conpartment, the jacket is in the back window (just in case) and the 2 hour debate on the way we would have picked the team is about to begin....... Parnell Park here we come!!

See ye there lads and here's hoping that it's the beginning of a long, long year....

Come on The Faithful....

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by Kevin »

Anybody out there with a score...pls post away!!!!
Kevin Clancey. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by Biffo Army »

Antrim 3-13 Offaly 1-16

According to Aertel......
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by BUFFALO »

Jaysis boys,this is heart wrenching stuff.
I'm listening to delayed coverage on

Sounds like an epic encounter.
It has me leppin' around me living room here in Peckham.
Although I'm not sure if my heart would be able to take it if I was in attendance.

Molloy's sending off has hardly helped the cause though.

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by BUFFALO »

Offaly 2-26 Antrim 3-16 AET.

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by bracknaghboy »

The mighty Offaly progress 2-26 to 3-16 after extra time. Not a big shock that it took exta time to beat Antrim as Dooley is as bad as that muppet Cribbin in that he cares not one bit for settled teams. They just strolled through the league with lads playing in different positions every time. Tune into RTE tonight to hear auld Joe saying how this is a young Offaly team in transition and a hard game like todays against a great team like Antrim will bring them on! Galway can rest the senior team and put their Junior team out in the semi-final. Joking aside Offaly are finished this year because the players heads and confidence must be shattered after that today........remember Antrim only managed 2 wins in D2 of the hurling league this year. Surely nobody is going to come on here and defend this performance.

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by BUFFALO »

Owing to the fact that I was not in attendance today,I cannot defend or indeed criticise the performance outright,especially when one is relying on Gerry Russell's analysis.
But,a win is a win.
Considering the manner in which both the media and with the noises coming out of Offaly about this game being a cakewalk,it is no surprise that the Saffron's put up a great fight.Imagine how easy it was for Dinny Cahill to motivate his players.Although,it would appear that Joe Dooley hasn't got much in the way of motivational ability or indeed selection skills.
Breeder must've had a right aul stinker,conceding 3 first half goals and ultimately being replaced at the break.
By the sounds of things,Dempsey performed mightily well for the remainder of the game,which raises the question:why did he not start in the first place,especially when he played for the lions share of the winter and spring matches?
Other than that,alls I can say is that without exception following Offaly is not good for one's health.For time immemorial I have suffered from minor heart palpatations when watching Offaly,and today was no different even though I was merely listening to questionable commentary on Radio 3.

Cue a barrage of virulent criticism and outright condemnation...(but not from I,as I'm an Offaly supporter,Faithful through and through)

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by kinnittyman »

Joe Dooley better come out and say that the performance wasn't good enough, he as a manager is failing, his managment team is failing and more concerned with getting fellow clubmen on the team and that the players as a group are failing. I don't want to hear excuses about this. Just be honest about what was a complete shambles and what was nearly the worst result in our history. The sooner this year is over the better and maybe just maybe we can get a competent coach with a proven track record on board. Shambles, farce, joke, you name it. There is no redeeming aspect to today's game.

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by Slieve Bloom Man »

We were very fortunate today to get the draw. It was very disappointing. However I wouldn't agree that there is nothing redeemable. Antrim had their tails up, everything was going right for them and wrong for Offaly mid way through the 2nd half. Down to 14 men, the team showed a bit of character and got a draw. How many times in the past, even the good Offaly teams have we struggled to beat Antrim or other minnows. I know this is not good enough but there is something in the Offaly hurling psyche that struggles with favouritism and an expected cakewalk. Believe me it would have been so much worse if we had lost and it really looked like that, unbelivable relief.
Look it was an awful day for Offaly and many of the players were very poor. Joe Dooley still seems to have no clue what he is at. He definitely lacks motivational skills and has no idea of tactics. I was behind management and was roaring at them to take off Mullins and bring on Dempsey and thankfully they did at half-time. Mullins wasn't the only one at fault for the goals but it wasn't on top of his game to say the least. Dempsey did well and kept Offaly in the game late on. Some players played well in patches but I struggle to pick consistent performers for 90 mins, David Franks was the best, David Kenny, James Rigney and Del Morkam did okay. Cleary caught some great balls but made some poor mistakes and he was swapped with Kenny at half-time. I thought Verney looked very shaky at times but actually there wasn't that much scored off him. Hanniffy and Kevin Brady were in and out of the game like many of the forwards, overall not near good enough. Subs Brendan Murphy and Ger Healion did well. Brian Carroll came back on for extra time and was much better than in normal time. Odhran Kealey came on for last few mins, scored 2 pts as his speed and fresh legs caused problems for the weary Antrim backs-best decision management made all day. The tight space of Parnell Park suited Antrim and they really tackled Offaly players strongly. We are very light-no muscle compared to the top counties. I think we will give Galway a good game for 50 mins and then fall away. Today was disappointing but I think there is no point in over reacting, get behind the team for Croke Park and Galway in 3 weeks. I also like many others have no faith in team management. But we will have the post mortem on them another day. The Offaly players will improve and it will be great to look forward to a return to Croker.

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by Efan »

Was in Parnell Park yesterday. A very frustrating performance. We recovered well from a sucker punch of a start. This can happen and scoring 1-8 without reply was exactly what the doctor ordered. At this stage we were cruising and were certainly in a position to kick on. But as happened against Limerick in the league from a position of complete dominance we conceded bad goals and suddenly we were in the thick of a battle. We could have easily kicked on and won handy. Even after half time and for about 10 mins after the sending off we were still struggling but as Antrim tired we could see there was something in it for us and battled well to force the draw. Bar the 1-8 spell in the first half a lot of players underperformed in the 70 mins. When we dropped our intensity and started getting sloppy and taking bad options. WE have one gear …. Full throttle and in games where our intensity wanes we appear to find it hard to switch back on. This is a man management issue. I don’t want to be OTT negative, if we had lost things would have been far worse. I think it’s a balls that the Galway game is in Croke Park rather than Nolan Park as I think the tighter more intense provincial ground would suit us better when it comes to getting stuck into the tribes men. We will have our work cut out. A few other things from yesterday ….

1) It was a killer to end up with Cleary at 6 and Kenny at 3 by full time having played the other way around for the league. Kenny will give us better go forward ball from centre back and I think we have to start as we started yesterday against Galway.
2) Derek Molloy is worth his starting place based on his ability IMHO. That said we cannot justify carrying him if these “rushes of blood to the head” continue. Yesterday in the passage of play that lead up to his challenge that earned him his second yellow card, 4 other Offaly players had closed down Antrim players and forced them back across the field. After these challenges came his lunge which cost us a player, a free and a point against. I think this is a man management issue, I would have him on the team but only if I was convinced that I had this side of him in check.
3) Hats off to Shane Dooley. Over the last few years we have lost games (like yesterday) as we did not have a 90% free taker. His point to level the game just up from the Antrim bench showed great leadership. You can also see from his conditioning and strength he has really worked to build himself up and can challenge very well for 50-50 ball. This is how we have to be to compete at the highest level.
4) I thought Stapleton’s refereeing was very dodgy especially in the first half. Maybe it’s my imagination but I thought a few times we were penalised on things that were let go by Antrim players. At one stage he chose to ignore his umpire (following a consultation) when he had clearly signalled that the Antrim keeper had stepped outside the square when making his puck out (Antrim had gone up the field and subsequently scored). 3 or 4 bad 50-50 calls like this can keep a team in the game. In the second half his performance improved, he was right to send off Derek Molloy and added a bit of extra time at the end I would think because the Antrim boys were dropping like flies for the last 15 mines.
5) Who is the lad with the Offaly jersey that is behind the goals at every game including Nolan Park on Saturday night?
Efan :)

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by Long John »

Well theres no point me ranting about how bad yesterdays display was. We all know it was a scarey performance in light of what awaits us in the next round.

Our attack put up a decent score over the 70 minutes which they generally (generally) do but again the back line is conceding far too much. 3.15 against a poor team over 70 minutes in a terrible defensive display. Franks did well, not his best ever game but the most consistent we have. Cleary is too unreliable, he can be great and awful in the same game. Hes too slow for the half back line and not secure enough for full back. Maybe he just needs some one on one work to tidy up his game because hes always going to start. Verney was shakey i agree. You just cant rely on him to secure possession and take the right option. He actually gives away more scores by losing possession than his man getting space on him.

Half back line is struggling still. Rigney tries very hard and wins some good ball but I think hes too small for this level. Morkham is inexperienced and even when he hurls alot of ball his man picks up quiet a bit aswell. Kenny, well we all know he's very talented and its hard know where to hurl him. He has had better games for Offaly. Rory Hanniffy could strenghten up the half back line if Murphy gets back to full fitness and takes over at Midfield.

Now the backs do deserve all the criticism their getting but alot of the forwards are lazy in there tackling and hasseling which gives the opposition too much quality possession to work with. This needs to be addressed hugely.

Alot of work to be done.

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by black and red exile »

I was one of those eejits who thought Offaly were going to win this game by 15 to 20 points, in the end as a supporter the relief to get to extra time and finish it there was unbelievable relief.Offaly is not like other counties with form guides, any other county, Waterford, Galway, Tipp, KK,Cork, Dublin and even Limerick's current junior team would have easily disposed of Antrim yesterday and everyone knows that but over the years when our footballers and hurlers have been favourites in these type of games we just don't deliver what is expected so there is little point in being overly critical of yesterday's performance. Yes we were poor for the vast majority of the game and if everyone is honest Antrim should be going to croke park in 3 weeks and not Offaly but as poor as we were we have to admire the battling qualities of the lads when it looked like Armageddon with 10 mins to go and top marks to Shane Dooley who had nerves of steel with that last difficult free right in front of Dinny Cahill, it shows the guy has bottle.
You could see by the body language of the Antrim lads at the full time whistle after 70 mins that they knew they had had their chance and blew it, Offaly went in with a spring in their step after the equaliser wheras you could see with Antrim shoulders and heads dropped that this is our chance to finally finish this which is what exactly happened. Finally James Dempsey was magnificent with that match winning save in the second half, he is a big as hero as Dooley, a cert to start on June 20th for sure.
Look guys let everyone get behind the lads on June 20TH, it's doubtful if we will take Galway but I think we will give them a right oul rattle and go into the qualifers with a belief that we can hopefully at least make the quarter finals.

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by cromabu52 »

Any one have the sub list for Offaly. Just to see the rest of the panel.

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Re: LSHC 30th May Offaly v Antrim Parnell Park 3:30pm

Post by Georgio1 »

this cromabu52 lad is a wum lads, 2 posts, (last week and today) looking for some poor fool to type out the full list of subs.

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