Pride and Shame

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Pride and Shame

Post by redser »

The weekend gone has just confirmed a few things.

The hurlers are an honest bunch who give it their all and have made advances and developed as a squad. The effort and never say die attitude of them lads in Thurles was very commendable and lets make no mistake about it, they were very unlucky not to win the game. A terrible start and two ridiculously soft goals were the difference and also the refereeing by times was very harsh on Offaly. A few crucial frees went against them at crucial stages and that is very unlucky. But lets call a spade a spade the lads showed alot of character. What i will say is, lets keep that squad together and yes there are other players in the county that would be huge additions if given a chance. Lets build on this and move forward. Their is plenty of improvement still needed but this year has showed positives that things are going in the right direction. Well done to all involved. I must say the likes of David Franks, Rory Hanniffy, Brian Carroll and Bergin are outstanding hurlers that are well capable of been future all stars if Offaly got a good run.

Now to the Footballers, the shapers, the laughing stock, the muppet show or whatever you want to call them. its been a farce of a year for them, they have a manager that i hope is kicked as far out of this county as possible and two selectors that havent an notion about who should be played and how Offaly should play. Now to the players, now their are about 4 or 5 exceptions been Slattery, Grennan, McManus, Padraig Kelly and Smith. Those five players are the only ones the have the pride and passion that any player that wears the green white and gold should have. The rest are just a shower of shapers and arrogant ass holes who are more concerned about the post match session than sticking their body on the line. Im not pulling any punches here and i know the majority of people ive spoken to feel the same. Now to be fair to Ger Rfferty he will give it his all but is off form this year but he would be a player that still gives it his all. Niall Mac is the most talented forward in the country but he gets very disinterested (except when he plays for Rhode). I would get disinterested aswell if i had balls with snow on them kicked into me all day aswell. He is always given a 50/50 hope for the best ball and that is some joke. The rest of the players have a lot to answer for. They strut around as if there gods gifts and yet theyve never produced the goods. A bunch of shapers with serious attitude problems and no pride in the jersey, these lads are playing county football because it will enhance their image in the public eye but they aint one bit bothered about the result. Alot of club teams would have put up a better performance against Down to be fair. Im disgusted, im going to shut up before i say stuff that would need editing. If any of them read this, well ye are a laughing stock.

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Re: Pride and Shame

Post by Mr Faithful »

I totally agree, when will the day come when a player takes pride in wearing the Offaly jersey. Our hurlers under Joe Dooley showed passion & committment to that great green white & gold. As for the footballers what can be said, I feel the manager should go as the players seem to have no respect for him. In saying that the players have not stepped up to the mark either.As you said some are more concerned with their image & ego's. Who is out there to take the job, I feel Tommy Carr would have the creditenals to do the job. There are not many other names out there, maybe Luke Dempsey as he would have won a leinster with westmeath only paidi took over. Its sad that the summer is over on a senior front but we should go out in numbers to support the under 21 hurlers as they deserve it. I could say alot more but my blood pressure could'nt take it....Mr Faithful

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Re: Pride and Shame

Post by TheManFromFerbane »

And do you know what the funny thing is, the really funny split your sides laughing at the hillarity of it all thing is. These lads are expecting a cheque to compensate them for their "Pursuit of Excellence".

I think I might just die laughing now.
The night is darkest before the dawn

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