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If you were Kildare - would you want to advance?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 12:08 am
by Lone Shark
I'd be interested to see the results of this.

I know it's easy say this, but I'd like to think that if a team has been FAIRLY beaten on the field of play, then you'd accept the result and move on, and not look for a loophole.

I know when McManus got his red card in 2000, the county board didn't shirk giving him an appropriate suspension, even though he was a costly absentee against Kildare that year. (For a guy in the thick of midfield, his record for red cards since then is pretty good - there's a lesson in there maybe?) I don't know if I've seen a similar act of sacrifice for the sake of fair play by any club or county since.

I can honestly say that gutted and all as I felt coming out of Croke Park in 2004 after the famous wide ball defeat, when the talk was of a possible replay, I didn't want it. We had plenty of chances to pull that Morley "point" back and about ten more besides and we didn't - while I'll never concede as much to a Westmeath man, it was Offaly's to win and we didn't win it, so Westmeath advancing was fair enough. This incorrect decision onSunday wasn't even worth a point - thirty seconds of wasted time at most, and even then the ref should factor it that time in. So the question is - if you were Kildare - would you be happy with progressing to the semi final in this fashion?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 8:27 am
by oscar
I know this doesn't answer the question but certain counties would be very happy to advance.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 9:27 am
by stupid like a fox
Only the very petty fans would argue that kildare deserve a replay, if they did get the replay I think we would beat them again, that would be a nightmare scenario for Kildare.

I doubt they will look for a replay though...

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 9:32 am
by Bord na Mona man
I would have no interest in getting a team that beat you on merit thrown out on a technicality.
Most reasonable Kildare fans I've spoken to have no interest in having a replay and losing again to Offaly.
I'd say a lot of Kildare fans wouldn't even attend the farce of a rematch.

In 2004 I had no interest in the county board pursuing the "wide" issue with Wastemeath. We can slag them about it, but they still won the game and deserved to do so. Every game has dodgy refereeing calls and we are well used to it.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:58 pm
by juteman
Most fans would not want to advance this way.If we get the result taken away from us or are given a replay I believe we should consider not taking part at all.That is what I feel we should do anyway.It is hard to criticise anyone who stand up strongly for what they believe in.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 9:25 pm
by borderfox
there going to be harping on about the sligo game a few years ago

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:15 pm
by naasmanxrhode
Kildare want a replay and will put on plenty of pressure ensuring that this will happen. If they can't beat you on the playing pitch, the'll try someother way. They keep harping on at the Sligo affair. This was totally diferent in that they did use 6 subs and they payed the penalty and also it was just a league result. Offaly either play Wexford or give Wexford a bye. Kildare are gone,bye-bye, into the qualifiers and good riddance. They just can't accept that they are just not good enough and have not been since 1928.