Kilmurray widening the Net??

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far from croghan hill
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Kilmurray widening the Net??

Post by far from croghan hill »

Recent speculation has it that in the wake of the o'byrne cup defeat, a dismal performance against cork(even though we won), a second half collapse against mayo and an apalling under 21 performance, KK has decided to thrawl the county again and that some new additions have been added to the panel in recent weeks?

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Lone Shark
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Post by Lone Shark »

A nice public way of blaming the players for recent results. Good man.

far from croghan hill
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Post by far from croghan hill »

Certain players would have to shoulder some responsibility for the recent spate of results, but in general i think most of the blame should be placed at KK's door in Blanch. not sure if the shark was refering to me there in his reply, but i just feel at this stage that if the man is in place surely he would have a good idea of what talent there was in the county outside his panel. then again he didnt attend any senior clud game last year after our exit in carlow, mainly ginger did, accomapnied by high ranking officials in the county board. sure they would know best!!

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Lone Shark
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Post by Lone Shark »

Sorry, lest there be any conclusion my displeasure was entirely directed at KK. We are a small county with a small pick - he had the whole summer from last year to attend games and see every club and every player - and to be fair, I thought he was at a decent share of games - I saw him at at least six or seven anyway, and I assume I would have missed him once or twice too.

I would have thought though that we had everyone good enough on board, or more or less. There certainly hasn't been any rational outcry for players to be included that weren't, notwithstanding Hogan Stand-esque ranting looking for 8 lads from the junior championship to start.

I think going looking now is a public way of blaming the players for what happened so far, when in actual fact it's the squad he picked based on a year at the helm and watching a full series of club games - going looking now when there's no new information is just a sign of his own weakness. (I could understand if the first round of the domestic championship had been played and someone had just put in a fantastic game for their club or something.)

far from croghan hill
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Post by far from croghan hill »

I concur with you shark, i dont think there is anybody out there that hasnt got a fair crack of the whip. i suppose i wasnt at all senior champ games last year (perhaps 70%), but i do feel that if the man is in the job what 15 or 16 months at this stage, he should know what he has or has not got. i wouldnt agree with a player being called up after a good 1st round with the club however, it has rarely worked and i think players would be best left to put in a decent club run with their clubs, which might help them develop for the coming years. at the moment there are three possibly four guys training with offaly who will not see a football in a competitive game, more or less wasting there time in Gracefield training or wherever, when they could be developing at their clubs.

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