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changeing venue for league games

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:09 pm
by Harps Man
well lads,just a quick question,hopefully someone can anwer it for me;
in this years football league if the home team cannot for what ever reason play the game on their home ground,does that club have the right to move the game to a neutral venue or do they forfeit home advantage and have to travel to the opposeing teams ground.
thanks in advance.

Re: changeing venue for league games

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:27 pm
by theman
According to regulations at this years County board meeting the venue switches to oposing team - except in championship matches.

Was the Birr ppitch unplayable? I see yer game was called off

Re: changeing venue for league games

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:24 pm
by Harps Man
thanks for that,yeah birr said their pitch was unplayable,then the fixtures committee moved it to ferbane,when challanged on the ruleing about the game being moved to our pitch,the committee said that they wernt sure what the rule stated and would have to contact croke park today!!!

Re: changeing venue for league games

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:57 pm
by Ahlethimoutwithit
The Birr lads would need the sat navs in order to make their way to Clonmore, hard to get them to go east of Tullamore!!

Re: changeing venue for league games

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:02 pm
by Plain of the Herbs
The Birr pitch unplayable? Neverrr!! How could that happen? Good job next Sunday's NHL match isn't fixed for there.

Not sure about Croke Park being involved. My feeling is this should be covered under a bye-law within the county. I do recall in previous years seeing guidelines which included a provision whereby if a pitch was unplayable the match would be moved to the 'away' team's ground. When I looked at the guidelines which are stated on the '2012 championship draws' thread, no such provision exists.
Harps Man wrote:thanks for that,yeah birr said their pitch was unplayable,then the fixtures committee moved it to ferbane,when challanged on the ruleing about the game being moved to our pitch,the committee said that they wernt sure what the rule stated and would have to contact croke park today!!!

Re: changeing venue for league games

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:10 am
by Harps Man
dont know what the story was with the pitch,maybe it just wasnt up to the standard for div3 football :lol:
the only rulebook i could come across was 2010's one,ive been told that the co board stoped printing them after that yr because it was costing to much(4-5000 euro a yr),anyway it states that in the league the first named team has home adv, if the home team's pitch is unplayable the game automatically moves to the oppeseing teams not sure if this has changed since then,its hard to see why it would but then again if it made sence not to change it ,it prob was changed :)

Re: changeing venue for league games

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:20 pm
by Harps Man
Just said id come back to this seeing as the league is comeing to an end,this game is only being played on the 20th of this mth and guess where its being played? Birr!!!
After an apperantly long process,the ccc or whatever power it was decieded that the game is to played in Birr.The game was orgainally refixed to be played in Clonmore,but Birr objected and it has been decieded that it goes ahead in Birr.Great to see that the powers that be can go against their own rules when it suits them.

Re: changeing venue for league games

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:52 pm
by heman
ah ye that sounds about right.god bless the brains in the county board :?