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Intercounty Showponies

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:10 am
by hard2watch
Ah im still sick at the result today..Reading the papers during the week i got a bad feeling this was on the way..Why is it that Offaly win one game and reporters jump on the band wagon and all that went before it is forgotten?In my mind its pretty simple what has to be done..County Board needs to be cleaned out,Bye bye Tom Cribben,we will try find jobs elsewhere for these lads because as far as im concerned thats the only reason you have lasted this long and thirdly but most importantly id tell every player we,ll call you in for a trial next year if your lucky because theirs fuck all of you that can regard yourselves as Inter County footballers..Finally id like to go back to size again and remark on how well Tomas Connor played for Kildare today,his power and size,not necessarily skill destroyed Laois today.. "YOU CANT BEAT BIG STRONG MEN".

Re: Intercounty Showponies

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:07 am
by townman
you could be shot down in flames for saying that here hard2watch but your right.

Re: Intercounty Showponies

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:11 pm
by blue biffo
lads did we get carried away with our selfs after monaghan. I taught that people were blowing that performance up to much and i said it on this site after.The fact is monaghan were so bad on the day. We forgot what wexford had done to us and now limerick have done the same to us again.

Re: Intercounty Showponies

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:28 pm
by brian fantana
thats a fact, were got too carried away, limerick done a very good job on niall mac, and thats half the battle i suppose, tom very slow to see limericks game plan

Re: Intercounty Showponies

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:12 pm
by Kevin
Carried away?

Not sure if you are talking about the people on this board, Offaly followers or the team themselves.

I'll be the first to say that I was delighted that we played well against Monaghan and hoped that we could put our 'mercurial tradition' behind us and put another performance together to get us past Limerick.

If anyone got carried away they have a poor memory. Heaven help me if the team got carried away. We are lucky enough not to have slipped to Division 4 this year. We have not strung together 2 solid performances in I don't know how long.

I can't imagine why being drawn away to Limerick should have been greeted as anything less than a reasonable opportunity to get another game out of the summer.

Needless to say we have a lot of work to do.