Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Hurlingtothebackbone »

Plain of the Herbs wrote:While I’m at it, the following notice keeps appearing in the Offaly Hurling Coaching Corner segment in the local papers recently.
“The Implementation Committee are currently inviting all previous hurlers who played with Offaly between 1990 and 2000 to a collaboration night in Dooly’s Hotel in Birr on Friday 31st March at 8.30p.m. to discuss the important role which they can play towards the revival of Offaly hurling in the future.”
Now, it this connected to the non-appointment of the 2016 underage managements, and is there a policy to appoint former players as opposed to, God help us, men who are keen coaches but who mightn’t necessarily have win Leinster and All-Ireland championships?

And am I the only one confused between the Implementation Committee, the Coaching and Games Committee, and public servants who are appointing task forces, review groups and who have taken three weeks to get their answers straight on Ger Maher’s seven questions, but they’re not going to answer them publicly, instead they’re going to pull the Shinrone and Kilcormac representatives into a quiet room on Sunday and give them the mushroom treatment.

There is a serious concern that Offaly are going to end up like Wicklow here. (And that is not intended as a joke.)
Have to agree POTH maths don't add up this is 2017 so a 17 year old born in 2000 knows nothing about a player from 1990 to 2000. Are this guys from the past suppose to be idols or fountains of wisdom? Do the not realise the game has moved on so much even since 2000. A great student does not necessarily make a good teacher so likewise a good hurler does not always make the best coach and the country is full of them. County hurlers as good coaches are the exception Davy Fitz, Coady, Cunningham, out of thousands of players. If thats the plan then we're doomed.

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Plain of the Herbs »

Yea. If there was a messiah out there, chances are he'd have stepped forward by now. So we can take it there isn't.

That being the case, we'll have to go with the next best. Progress was made last year, ever so slight, or at least the rot was stopped. Now this.

And another thing - what coaching qualifications do these hurlers from 1990 to 2000 have? Level 2? Level 1? Do they even have foundation level? We don't know, and parameters haven't been set for this meeting. Do they even go to matches?
Hurlingtothebackbone wrote:Have to agree POTH maths don't add up this is 2017 so a 17 year old born in 2000 knows nothing about a player from 1990 to 2000. Are this guys from the past suppose to be idols or fountains of wisdom? Do the not realise the game has moved on so much even since 2000. A great student does not necessarily make a good teacher so likewise a good hurler does not always make the best coach and the country is full of them. County hurlers as good coaches are the exception Davy Fitz, Coady, Cunningham, out of thousands of players. If thats the plan then we're doomed.
Pat Donegan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Bord na Mona man »

I echo what has been said above. It had been good to see new names coming to the fore in Offaly coaching who weren't necessarily established players.
This collaboration night is real 'ask the min with the medals' throwback stuff.
Nothing against the men with the medals mind you, but I'd be sceptical about how much they can bring to the picnic.
Generally former sports players who are disconnected from the coalface offer more contrarian than sensible views

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Bord na Mona man »

Plain of the Herbs wrote: And another thing - what coaching qualifications do these hurlers from 1990 to 2000 have? Level 2? Level 1? Do they even have foundation level?
They have MEDALS ffs! :shock:

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Plain of the Herbs »

Just to recap, Ger Maher’s seven questions, asked at the February County Board meeting, which remain unanswered and are currently being swept under a carpet near you, are as follows –
1. Can you give us an update on the appointment of U-14, U-15, U-16 and U-17 Development squad team managements?

2. Can you explain the rationale behind the proposal in amalgamating the U-16 and U-17 development squads in 2017? There were 35 players on the 2016 U-16 squad and 34 players on the U-15 squad, that is 69 players in total. Approximately seven players from this group are now with the current minor squad leaving the new proposed three mentors to manage, coach and look after in or around 62 players. This goes against all national guidelines and all guidelines preached time and time again on coaching courses where best practise recommends a ratio of one coach to every eight players and you are proposing a ratio of one coach to approximately every 20 players. How does that make logical sense?

3. 2016 was the most successful year in over 20 years for underage hurling in this county, bringing home silver-ware at U-15 U-16 and U-17 and while we view this as only a stepping stone where winning was the cream on a bigger journey. Can you explain then what Tom Curran (Na Fianna), John Brady (Na Fianna), Tom Connors (Seir Kieran), Brendan Butler (Ferbane Belmont), Michael Cordial (Shnrone), Niall Gleeson (Kilcormac/Killoughey) and Gerard Maher (Shinrone) did so wrong that has in them getting the sack and not being afforded the opportunity to further develop these squads in 2017? Was the progress made in 2015 and 2016 and the fact that silverware was won so bad? Can you please explain what these guys did wrong to deserve the treatment they are after getting?

4. At the January County Board meeting as a club we had some serious concerns over minutes circulated to every club in the county from the hurling implementation committee. When I asked could I ask some questions on these minutes the reply from the Chairman was and I quote, ‘these are not official minutes and the people on that working group will have to be brought into the coaching and games committee.’ To date not a single name from that implementation committee has come before the board for ratification onto coaching and games. So can you please explain then why members of that implementation committee sat with members of coaching and games last Saturday week in Kilcormac in a box ticking exercise disguised as a coaching and games review and furthermore can you explain why it is the sole recommendations of the hurling implementation committee that have been accepted by coaching and games and it is these same views and recommendations that are now being implemented by coaching and games?

5. No one single member of the hurling implementation committee ever attended a training session, challenge game, blitz day or tournament that the U-15s played in and only one member attended a single day’s hurling of the U-16 squad so can you please explain what makes their proposals and recommendations so credible when they know nothing of what went on last year either in the training field dressing room or on match days? Why do coaching and games feel they have to adopt these proposals?

6. Why when the intention was always to throw these men on the scrapheap are the County Board willing to fork out €150 per head for award two coaching courses for those same men knowing that they are now of no use to them?

7. The last question we have is a simple two part question requiring simple yes or no answers and bearing in mind all of this is happening on your watch. The questions go to every person on the top table. 1. Are you or have you been aware of this? And 2. Do you believe this is in the best interest of underage hurling in this county?
Pat Donegan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Hurlingtothebackbone »

Plain of the Herbs wrote:Just to recap, Ger Maher’s seven questions, asked at the February County Board meeting, which remain unanswered and are currently being swept under a carpet near you, are as follows –
1. Can you give us an update on the appointment of U-14, U-15, U-16 and U-17 Development squad team managements?

2. Can you explain the rationale behind the proposal in amalgamating the U-16 and U-17 development squads in 2017? There were 35 players on the 2016 U-16 squad and 34 players on the U-15 squad, that is 69 players in total. Approximately seven players from this group are now with the current minor squad leaving the new proposed three mentors to manage, coach and look after in or around 62 players. This goes against all national guidelines and all guidelines preached time and time again on coaching courses where best practise recommends a ratio of one coach to every eight players and you are proposing a ratio of one coach to approximately every 20 players. How does that make logical sense?

3. 2016 was the most successful year in over 20 years for underage hurling in this county, bringing home silver-ware at U-15 U-16 and U-17 and while we view this as only a stepping stone where winning was the cream on a bigger journey. Can you explain then what Tom Curran (Na Fianna), John Brady (Na Fianna), Tom Connors (Seir Kieran), Brendan Butler (Ferbane Belmont), Michael Cordial (Shnrone), Niall Gleeson (Kilcormac/Killoughey) and Gerard Maher (Shinrone) did so wrong that has in them getting the sack and not being afforded the opportunity to further develop these squads in 2017? Was the progress made in 2015 and 2016 and the fact that silverware was won so bad? Can you please explain what these guys did wrong to deserve the treatment they are after getting?

4. At the January County Board meeting as a club we had some serious concerns over minutes circulated to every club in the county from the hurling implementation committee. When I asked could I ask some questions on these minutes the reply from the Chairman was and I quote, ‘these are not official minutes and the people on that working group will have to be brought into the coaching and games committee.’ To date not a single name from that implementation committee has come before the board for ratification onto coaching and games. So can you please explain then why members of that implementation committee sat with members of coaching and games last Saturday week in Kilcormac in a box ticking exercise disguised as a coaching and games review and furthermore can you explain why it is the sole recommendations of the hurling implementation committee that have been accepted by coaching and games and it is these same views and recommendations that are now being implemented by coaching and games?

5. No one single member of the hurling implementation committee ever attended a training session, challenge game, blitz day or tournament that the U-15s played in and only one member attended a single day’s hurling of the U-16 squad so can you please explain what makes their proposals and recommendations so credible when they know nothing of what went on last year either in the training field dressing room or on match days? Why do coaching and games feel they have to adopt these proposals?

6. Why when the intention was always to throw these men on the scrapheap are the County Board willing to fork out €150 per head for award two coaching courses for those same men knowing that they are now of no use to them?

7. The last question we have is a simple two part question requiring simple yes or no answers and bearing in mind all of this is happening on your watch. The questions go to every person on the top table. 1. Are you or have you been aware of this? And 2. Do you believe this is in the best interest of underage hurling in this county?
Maher or the Shinrone club are in touch with what's really happening it would appear but the CB don't want to listen, just chatting the parent of a player here in Birr who said they have been looking for meetings with the CB or coaching and games over the mess but have not been granted a meeting and its going on for months now. Same parent said it is there kids who the board are taking for granted where as Shane Hand and his crew, Cordial and his crew showed a lot of respect to the players and the parents over the last two years and the young lads had massive respect for them, surely this is what you want when working with young players and why upset and destroy all the progress that was made. There is still a long way to go but those men had stopped the rot and were making progress how ever small and now its all destroyed and it must start from scratch again. CB asleep at the wheel and don't really care.

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Hurlingtothebackbone »

Anyone have an idea did meeting take place yesterday between CB with KK & Shinrone or have the clubs been fobbed off again. No sign of closure on this one???????????????????????????

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by private joker »

What is the actually situation? What happened with the mentors towards the end of last year when the development squads sessions came to an end? I find it hard to believe that the CB would let a successful mgt team off by removing them and then have to go and find replacement for them. Does anyone have the full story on this?

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Hurlingtothebackbone »

CB let two successful management teams go and didn't have the manners to even speak with the majority of the guys on the management teams, they still don't have anyone appointed and are advertising in the tribune every week for people to come forward, beggars belief when you have guys doing a good job and wanted to continue to do the job. Shane Hand is probably the best underage coach in the County with numerous success and as far as I know Cordial has won 2 minor titles as manager in Shinrone. Know one really knows what was wrong with the set up and no answers have been given and now the two clubs who raised the issue are gone quiet also, and still no word as to the planned meeting taking place or not?.

Cmon Offaly
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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Cmon Offaly »

Guys the meeting between the county board, KK and Shinrone took place under the stand after the Wexford hurling game last Sunday as I seen the delegates with Tommy Byrne and Martin Cashen. It is strange though that a week later there has been no speak of what happened at this meeting or if any resolutions have been agreed. Was there not to be a county board meeting held after they meet KK and Shinrone??

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Hurlingtothebackbone »

Cmon Offaly wrote:Guys the meeting between the county board, KK and Shinrone took place under the stand after the Wexford hurling game last Sunday as I seen the delegates with Tommy Byrne and Martin Cashen. It is strange though that a week later there has been no speak of what happened at this meeting or if any resolutions have been agreed. Was there not to be a county board meeting held after they meet KK and Shinrone??
Looks like CB got better of 2 clubs with everything gone so quite and still no mention of who is managing the squads. Heard in Ballinamere at the weekend that ther might be no U17 squad this year due to lack of numbers anyone know anything bout that. Seems sort of crazy big 16 squad last yr now not enough for 17 squad. Heard interview on radio one Sunday where dev squads in Offaly came in for heavy critism again football this time.

Cmon Offaly
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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Cmon Offaly »

Looks like CB got better of 2 clubs with everything gone so quite and still no mention of who is managing the squads. Heard in Ballinamere at the weekend that ther might be no U17 squad this year due to lack of numbers anyone know anything bout that. Seems sort of crazy big 16 squad last yr now not enough for 17 squad. Heard interview on radio one Sunday where dev squads in Offaly came in for heavy critism again football this time.
Lads if this is true we are in a bigger mess than we thought and it shows the complete incompetency of the county board, coaching and games and this implementation committee with regards to underage in this county. Last years U16 squad lost out by score difference in qualifying for the cup knockout stages of the Arrowbawn competition, they went on to win the shield comfortably. Last year I think they had a panel of approx. 35 players , there are currently about 8-10 of last years panel with the county minor panel, this leaves 25-27 players currently for an under 17 panel. Possibly 5-6 of what's with the minor panel probably wont make the championship panel and they can fall back to U17. You now have a panel of 30 players to play the U 17 inter county championship. Where in the name of god are they going with saying "there is a lack of numbers". Have they spoken to the players or parents??, have they tried to identify new players???

The issue is not with player numbers, its with the fuck ups made by the county board, coaching and games and this implementation committee with setting up management's for the development squads. They are trying to justify giving 2 squads to a management team of 3 people and its not working, they do not want to admit to have been wrong or be seen to have messed up in light of what Shinrone and KK clubs exposed. The more I hear about this the finger appears to be pointing at one particular person who has brought personal agendas into play when choosing coaches, its not Tommy Byrne, Martin Cashen or Tom Maloney by the way. If this is the case he should be got rid of straight away by the county board, they need to be strong in dealing with this mess and not seen to be dictated to by one person. Offaly GAA is bigger and more important than any one individual. time is ticking by now and this seems to be no further on than it was when it was raised at Februarys county board meeting. Have both clubs been silenced by the county board???. S&C training is continuing with both the u16 and u17 squads with very small numbers, I think the players seem to be backing last years managements by staying away, this is admirable on there part but not benefiting Offaly hurling in any way.

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Hurlingtothebackbone »

See will o callaghan has tweetup saying special county board meeting next tue but media not allowed attend. sure sign the board have a lot to hide. Has a deal been done with the two clubs they have gone very quiet can't get any info from either club and have met a good few from Shinrone and KK over the last week. This has all the signs of a cover up. Why air an issue if you don't follow it through to its conclusion? Something not right and still the young lads suffer on in silence if there not attending trainings its hard to blame them. Uncertainty causes lots of issues in the minds of young teenagers. With some luck this can be resolved next week for the sake of the chaps.

Plain of the Herbs
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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Plain of the Herbs »

That meeting with the clubs is tonight, apparently. But no-one is supposed to know. And the media are barred. Ssshhhhh!! Keep schtumm, and the problem will fade away all by itself.
Pat Donegan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

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Re: Hurling development squads [Split from Walsh Cup]

Post by Plain of the Herbs »

A statement was issued by the crunchie board to the clubs and the media.

The second sentence to the statement begins "It is not proposed to answer the seven questions on an individual basis . . ."

And further down, they blame the Shinrone and Kilcormac-Killoughey clubs for delaying the formal announcement of the squad managements who were to replace the managers who were fired, while implying that their replacement is in the best interests of Offaly GAA (as opposed to Offaly hurling).
Pat Donegan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

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