Tullamore Tribune Revelations

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Re: Tullamore Tribune Revelations

Post by Ahlethimoutwithit »

Your right Rhode runner, I wont debate with ya anyway!
Have to listen to too many lads during the week spouting your type of lingo to get involved with ya.
Its a basic argument that you put forward, everybody has to take part of the blame in this, we all have our opinions and are entitled. Some are more culpible than others for the state we are in.
Lets face it, anyone who knows young Connor knew that he was going to head to the states this summer and the best of luck to him. But its presented as circumstances and that he left because of the management as well as a little disillusionment with lack of work. Also was interesting to hear that KC & BC were surprised that he did not get an interview for BNM apprenticeship, strangely enough he has a sports science degree???? Must be living in the past when Offaly footballers got looked after for jobs?

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Re: Tullamore Tribune Revelations

Post by llkj »

I thought Niall Smith had to leave the panel due to work commitments a few weeks ago. How, all of a sudden, is he able to return so quickly now? Maybe Tom Coffey wrote a note to his employer or maybe it had nothing to do with work commitments at all and the general public was just fed a line. Throw the word 'work' into a statement and nobody is allowed to question anything beyond it. Someone on here suggested that he had previous in quitting panels and waiting for an invite back in, and they were scorned for making such a statement. In light of this latest comeback, maybe the supporter was right to pose the question and seek the true reason for him leaving the panel a few weeks ago.

Also, it is ironic that in a week where there was a poll done and the largest vote for 'Who Shares The Majority of the Blame for the Current Ills in Offaly Football' went to 'The Players from the 2007-2011' with 24%* of the vote, that at least 8 of those players were asked back into the panel. Seems a little strange to bring the 'perceived problem' back to find the solution.
Or maybe, of course, it is not 'these players' that are the problem... no, not 'these 8 players', just 'certain players'. Ah, 'certain players'. 'Yeh, certain players that wear their Offaly tracksuit out to the pub and steal all the women and drink all the beer, til their is none left for anyone else'. Could you say a name or two? No, personal attacks are not good. But everyone knows who they are. ok, thanks for clarifying that.

I don't know what to make of it all, but I know we'll have one good ripper of a night-out the week before the Kildare game with the boys back in town.

* figure correct as of time of posting

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