Leinster club championships 2017

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Re: Leinster club championships 2017

Post by sam88885a »

lads i watch the highlights of the cuala game today for the first time .The Conor Mahon sending off is worth looking at ,Conor seem to tug the Cuala no 3 helmet while he is off his feet battling for the ball,he was looking at the ball and there was no intent in my view ,he had eyes only for the ball , but as he pulled one handed for the ball Cuala no 4 ran into block his strike with his leg , he wasnt even looking at the ball ,then as the ball broke D Currams was pulled down by the helmet by Cuala no 6 .
So if the Ref was correct to send C Mahon off for interfering with the helmet ,then Cuala no 6 should have also got a red card ,but if C Mahon was send off for a strike the ref was completely wrong as the Cuala guy ran into the strike .
i though that he was sent off for a wild pull at the time , now i think it was for tugging at a helmet .
Some of ye lads might have a look at it on TG4 player , slow it down and give us yer views .
I know it doesnt matter now but it a huge impact on the game .

Plain of the Herbs
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Re: Leinster club championships 2017

Post by Plain of the Herbs »

I wasn't going to respond to the latest remark, but I fear Offaly as a whole are being made to look like the worst losers in history, along the lines of Mayo in 1996. Blaming a referee for losing a match by 14 points! I ask you! Particularly when those accusers demonstrate they do not know the rules.

First and foremost, Seán Moran has no case to answer. Moran most assuredly DOES NOT pull Currams down by the helmet. Moran has the ball in his left hand, Currams has his left arm around Seán Moran trying to hold him up, and in brushing the challenging player aside, Moran's raised left arm makes contact with Currams' helmet. Moran clearly DOES NOT take hold of a faceguard or any other part of an opponent's helmet. See Rule 5.19 for what is illegal.

Conor Mahon doesn't "seem to tug" his opponent's faceguard, he very much DOES tug it. And if Conor Mahon was "looking at the ball" and "had eyes only for the ball" as Sam put it, he would have seen that the ball was securely in Seán Moran's left hand, and not where he was pulling.

I've massive respect for that Cuala team, who play hurling the right way, and are at the peak of their powers right now. The clinically demolished Kilcormac-Killoughey with what several observers have described as their finest display of hurling. I, for one, hope they go on and win it out now. Almost all Kilcormac-killoughey forwards had NO possessions during the first half. Cuala positioned their defence well, eliminating space, while creating space in attack. What did people expect, that Cuala would be as accommodating as the Kilcormac defence was?

And before someone accuses me of being harsh on Sam (again!), Sam did ask us to have a look at the Mahon incident and I gave Sam the courtesy of doing that.
Pat Donegan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

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Re: Leinster club championships 2017

Post by LooseCannon »

sam88885a wrote:lads i watch the highlights of the cuala game today for the first time .The Conor Mahon sending off is worth looking at ,Conor seem to tug the Cuala no 3 helmet while he is off his feet battling for the ball,he was looking at the ball and there was no intent in my view ,he had eyes only for the ball , but as he pulled one handed for the ball Cuala no 4 ran into block his strike with his leg , he wasnt even looking at the ball ,then as the ball broke D Currams was pulled down by the helmet by Cuala no 6 .
So if the Ref was correct to send C Mahon off for interfering with the helmet ,then Cuala no 6 should have also got a red card ,but if C Mahon was send off for a strike the ref was completely wrong as the Cuala guy ran into the strike .
i though that he was sent off for a wild pull at the time , now i think it was for tugging at a helmet .
Some of ye lads might have a look at it on TG4 player , slow it down and give us yer views .
I know it doesnt matter now but it a huge impact on the game .
Jaysus, there must be no snow in Kinnitty!
Good Luck

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Re: Leinster club championships 2017

Post by timber »

Lads look a few bad referring calls were not the difference. KK well and truly beaten by a far superior conditioned team, tactically far superior, and far superior speed on the ball.

Lets be realistic ands identify that the problem lies in a poor Offaly championship, a lot of mickey mouse games for KK during the summer where the pace was junior standard.

KK are the best in Offaly, but the best of what is where the big issue rests. Ballinamere/Durrow are being talked about as great prospects for the future in hurling. They won the intermediate championship and lost to Westmeath representatives. Its not a pretty picture. The standard in the county has dropped. Dropped massively.

Forget these excuses about a poor referee and hopefully try getting things right at underage to build for the future.

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Re: Leinster club championships 2017

Post by greenairfield »

That is a fact timber...when you look at the Joe Brady, Brian Carroll, Rory hanniffy maybe even the healions generation are on the way to retirement at club level,when that generation and then next is dooley, Ryan, Bergin and them go in the next 3 or 4 years the standard will be at an all time low.

Plain of the Herbs
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Re: Leinster club championships 2017

Post by Plain of the Herbs »

Only spotted his moment of genius after I posted last night. Sam, your idea of a breaking ball is different to everybody else, probably in the entire country. The ball didn't break. While Seán Moran didn't catch it cleanly, he held it at the second attempt, the ball was nowhere near the ground and no one contested possession between Moran's attempted catch and Moran holding onto the ball.

You do know what the ball is?
sam88885a wrote:. . . then as the ball broke . . .
Pat Donegan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

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Re: Leinster club championships 2017

Post by ryot »

Sam888 seems to believe that this is the time of year for a massive leg-pull. His comments at the top of this page bear no resemblance to the game I watched....

K-K were, unfortunately, totally outplayed but at least they lost to a fine hurling team.......

I do hope that with 5 or 6 young guns/returnees K-K can make us all sit up and take notice next year.

King Kev
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Re: Leinster club championships 2017

Post by King Kev »

Im afraid the time of year has nothing to do with Sams ramblings. He talks scutter all year round.

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Re: Leinster club championships 2017

Post by LooseCannon »

King Kev wrote:Im afraid the time of year has nothing to do with Sams ramblings. He talks scutter all year round.
Is this an anti-Kinnitty thing??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good Luck

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