Brian Gavin

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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by hawksforever »


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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by honey badger »

I'm sure brian has got plenty of stick in the past.
but this is a different incident. yes the CB made a decision but was it the correct one.
PP wont agree id say hence him pulling out.

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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by Towerus »

What decision did the county board make? One of the stipulations for the hearings committee is that there CANNOT be any member of the county board management committee sitting on it. The hearings committee also have plenary powers, so even if every single member of the management committee, as well as the full county board disagreed with a decision they made, they have no power to overturn it, other than object to higher authority and look for a hearing there. As I said before I have no clue what actually happened and if the decision was right/wrong, but to suggest a stroke was pulled at board level is stretching the imagination. Even if they had the authority to make the decision, or exerted pressure in the background, why would they support a ref (I mean Gavin) if he was in the wrong, over a member of their own board?

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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by Thereorthereabouts »

How can the GAA get closer to how rugby players treat referees? The way supporters understand that the ref has the ultimate decision and he takes no bullsh*t.

As a player, I too am guilty of swearing towards referees and also questioning their judgement. There is a culture that this is acceptable. It shouldn't be the case.

In Aussie rules, the penalty for not releasing the ball or abuse is moving the ball forward 50m, a significant penalty for the guilty party.

At congress this year, and for the next 5 years there should be two things done:

1. Add TMO to Croke Park and other major stadiums around the country, so that the refs are not getting slated on the Sunday Game every week. This criticism (and some of it justified spreads all the way down to u-8, that it is ok and even applauded to criticize referees.

2. Add any abusive comments to the black card rule. Add in a significant penalty also for abuse from coaches / management (50m or whatever you like).

Hopefully then by 2020, we would have a game played globally, competitively, without the bullying and abuse we see today.

Look at this situation with Gavin, and instead of talking and talking about the negativity, DO something about it.
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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by ryot »


To go to Congress proposals usually have to be passed by a club, brought to County Convention, passed there and then take their chances at Congress

Will you be putting your proposals to your club meeting shortly.

Do you thing they will be passed there & at Offaly Convention ????????????

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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by Thereorthereabouts »

I suppose you are right, better to duck our heads in the sand and continue to moan about it, and the lack of referees, and poor refereeing.

If referees were respected more, would there be more referees available? I would bank on it.

Would the standard of refereeing increase? I believe so.

Add in TMO to the major stadiums and the standard increases again.

If the perception is that it will never change, or never get passed, then the standard of refereeing will remain where it is.

There are enough of journalists and high profile Offaly GAA figures on this forum to bring it to a county level at least.

Typically one major incident within the GAA, can cause a knock on effect:
Sean Kavanagh - Black Card Rule
Anthony Nash - New Hurling Penalty.

Now you have the Brian Gavin saga, is that not sufficient to motion a rule change at least at Offaly County Board level and see if they will bring it forward?

Never say never RYOT. As a matter of interest, would you support either of these 1) TMO or 2) Stricter penalties for abuse towards referees?
If yes, why dont you think others would support it too? Club members.
If no, what would be your suggestions?
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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by Archangel »

Training has to start with sideline officials from competing teams, who's abuse of referees is staggering at times! There needs to be something in place to police or deter this behaviour. Players pick up on what their mentors do and say and follow suit. It's gotten worse, its' almost an epidemic.
I was at an U16 match last week and one team had a referee from their club doing sideline, who gave the match referee no ends of guff. After the match they all seemed happy and friendly, 'sharing the joke', but that just shows how bad it has gotten when a referee seems to think it's ok to have a continuous go at refs, what message does this send?
Trust me, I know it's frustrating at times but we need a whole shift of attitude.

I will be honest, there are probably 2 or 3 referees who shoulnd't be officiating at footballl in this county, they are really that bad. We just need to work with the rest.
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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by ryot »

Thereorthereabouts wrote:I suppose you are right, better to duck our heads in the sand and continue to moan about it, and the lack of referees, and poor refereeing.

If referees were respected more, would there be more referees available? I would bank on it.

Would the standard of refereeing increase? I believe so.

Add in TMO to the major stadiums and the standard increases again.

If the perception is that it will never change, or never get passed, then the standard of refereeing will remain where it is.

There are enough of journalists and high profile Offaly GAA figures on this forum to bring it to a county level at least.

Typically one major incident within the GAA, can cause a knock on effect:
Sean Kavanagh - Black Card Rule
Anthony Nash - New Hurling Penalty.

Now you have the Brian Gavin saga, is that not sufficient to motion a rule change at least at Offaly County Board level and see if they will bring it forward?

Never say never RYOT. As a matter of interest, would you support either of these 1) TMO or 2) Stricter penalties for abuse towards referees?
If yes, why dont you think others would support it too? Club members.
If no, what would be your suggestions?
I would support both TMO & stricter penalties not just for abuse of refs but any abuse be it to linespersons (not all are men) umpires, opponents, mentors or to spectators. Wording can be difficult as what you call abuse some might call banter. Is there another word, like "foul language" that could be used. I remember a person being reported for abuse. The ref just wrote "abuse" and not the words actually used. Send back to the ref to clarify & he refused to write the "bad words". Yer man then got off !! Technicallity,,,,,,,,,,,,,, even though everybody knew & most of the committee were at the match,,,,,,,, left to the ref to nail him & ref just did not want the hassle.........

Only problem for me is that I live well away from Offaly and am not in a club so over to you,,,,,,,,,,,, The clock, like in Ladies also needs to be revisited. Was passed at Congress & tops boys back - tracked, obviously opposed to it & got it removed later,,, The new top man might not be so opposed & I don't see what the big deal is. Many grounds, even clubs, have electronic clocks on their score boards,,,,,,,,,, Another issue is lads on the line, There is no need for them. All with possible exception of physio/doctor should be in the stands, with the runner allowed do running but they should not be allowed live on the pitch, like Fay Devlin( abusing ref & opponents, interfering with opposition players & being a nuisance behind the posts) & Dan the Man, and I suppose there are plenty more , Some games I see, in Tullamore & elsewhere, there are more along the sideline than on the pitch. No need for them & get rid !!!,, Any abuse from any mentor, linesman etc & ref must be entitled to make them leave ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Type your proposals & email them to your club sec and as many members of your own & other clubs as you can. Then go to your club meeting & push them.

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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by ah lethimoutwithit »

Ha Ha, know who you are talking about there Arcangel.

Strangely enough, there are a lot of refs who feel its ok to dish out abuse, eg BG!! Ah no not going back there again!!

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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by Thereorthereabouts »

If we want better standard of refereeing, we need to back our referees with tools and rules.

Ó Sé: refs have an impossible job to do
Kerry great Darragh Ó Sé has jumped to the defence of referees in the wake of last Sunday's ill-tempered All-Ireland SFC semi-final.

Writing in his weekly column in The Irish Times today, Ó Sé highlighted the thankless existence of being a gaelic football referee these days.

“Watching Dublin versus Mayo on Sunday, I was trying to think was there any worse job in the world than being a referee. I couldn’t come up with one. I’d say Joe McQuillan needed to go and lie down in a dark room after it.

“We’re killing these referees, plain and simple. First off, we’re giving them an impossible job to do because nobody else will do it. Then we’re watching them like hawks the whole time, mad to get picking up on any mistake. And if all that wasn’t bad enough, we’re lambasting them at every turn when the game is over.

“Honestly, can you think of another group of people that the association is as happy to hang out to dry as referees? Players try to hoodwink them. Managers plámás them beforehand to try to get an advantage and blackguard them then in the press afterwards when it doesn’t go their way.”

He continues: “How would you referee a game like that last Sunday? Where would you start? I heard people giving out afterwards about McQuillan missing a double hop in the lead-up to a point from Kevin McManamon. A double hop! That’s like missing a pickpocket in the middle of a full-scale riot.

“You can argue away about the two penalties if you like. But does that not just prove the point of what a ridiculous standard we’re expecting from these guys?

“The Sunday Game lads had six or seven hours to go through tapes in slow motion after the match and I still don’t think they proved the case for or against in either incident. And yet we’re giving Joe McQuillan a hosing because he did the only thing we can reasonably ask for – make a snap decision using his best judgment in real time.”
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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by fifitrixiebelle »

townman wrote:
fifitrixiebelle wrote:its no wonder reffing is in such a state if Gavin is 'ne of the top hurling referees in the country' . even on sunday he left a raft of obvious frees go unpunished, the man has only a passing acquaintance wit the rules

i suppose the ref was the cause of tipp yet again showing no belly last sunday fifi fifi :lol:
no townman twas becos we were payin too much attention as to who was goin to be the next offaly manager heh heh :lol: :lol:

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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by kingscounty »

The boy Anton will have to be cleared now on the same grounds as me man Brian Gavin. Verbal abuse of a ref in Offaly is ok , keep it going lads great roll models .

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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by bracknaghboy »

kingscounty wrote:The boy Anton will have to be cleared now on the same grounds as me man Brian Gavin. Verbal abuse of a ref in Offaly is ok , keep it going lads great roll models .
This will be interesting. They need to be careful or they might cost us another good official in Pat Gallagher. Agreed Kingscounty the precedent has been set that yes its OK to abuse an official. Anton is someone that minor players most definitely look up to and respect so when he carrys on like that then they assume that sort of behavior is the way to go and they'll carry that attitude into senior with then. Therefore it'll be almost impossible to stamp it out.
At the end of every game lately the defeated team are blaming the ref.
Can you imagine the positive impact it would have had if Offaly had ensured that Gavins justified ban stood and then backed it up by punishing Anton. It would have been a huge boost for refereeing in both Offaly and around the country however the cowardly route was taken to allow Gavin off and presumably similar spinelessness will be shown with Antons case.

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Re: Brian Gavin

Post by Hyper »

Why? Was Anton's suspension appealed? Maybe he took it on the chin like a man.....

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